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Even without Scarlett, the Wicked Witch was defeated. Regina defeated her, using light magic. Something Regina thought was impossible. But she did it.

She did it for her family.

Scarlett, however, feels all the emotions she was trying to suppress. She feels it all at once. In the middle of the night, she wakes up screaming. Killian is the first one to comfort her, followed by Regina. She tries to comfort her crying daughter, but can't. Killian and Regina share a look and sigh. They both want to help Scarlett, but Scarlett doesn't want to help herself. Henry wakes up from the noise and walks into the room to see what's going on. When Scarlett sees Henry, she feels a wave of calm crash over her. She feels a momentary lapse of peace.

Regina then leads her son out of the room to let Scarlett go back to sleep. Hook jumps up on the bed, and all three of them go back to sleep. Hook, Scarlett and Killian.

The next day, Scarlett seems... fine. She gets up at 7am and goes through her normal routine. She gets ready to face the day, all without a drink. She gets dressed and puts the leash on Hook to go for their morning walk to Granny's.

The bell rings as she opens the door, and she sees Emma sitting at a booth. She goes to the counter to order her usual, then sits down next to Emma. The blonde sees the smile on her face and sighs.

The truth is always best in the present, not in the future.

Emma looks Scarlett in her eyes and picks her next few words very carefully, but ultimately, gives the same impression.

Emma is leaving... and taking Henry with her.

For a moment, Scarlett doesn't believe it. She blinks a few times as her mind tries to wrap around the words.

" I'm sorry... what did you just say?" She asks.

" I'm sorry, Scarlett. But he's my son, and I don't want him to live here", Emma says, " I'm his mother".

The corners of Scarlett's lips turn up for a grin and gives a very confused feeling to Emma. Scarlett's grin turns into a laugh. A laugh you would give after someone tells a bad joke.

" Yeah, okay. Very funny," Scarlett scoffs.

" Scarlett... I'm serious. I thought about it. Henry is my son. I gave birth to him. I just want him to live a normal life. Away from... magic and witches and curses," Emma says.

Scarlett's smile slowly starts to fade as she realizes one thing. Emma is being serious. She actually wants to leave Storybrooke and take Emma with her.

" You're the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming... and now you're telling me you want to bitch out?" Scarlett asks, " You're gonna run away when things get a little difficult? Life is full of difficulties, but you deal with them like an adult."

" I'm not running away", Emma argues.

" Then what exactly are you doing?" Scarlett asks.

" I'm thinking clearly and not drowning myself in booze like you have for the past week."

The entire time they converse, their eyes stay locked. With Emma's words, Scarlett's body tenses. Emma has made a low blow. Scarlett bites the inside of her cheek as she rests her elbows on the table to lean closer to Emma.

" You think that just because you gave birth to him, you have the final say so?" She asks, her voice quite and low, but ever so threatening, " That's not how this works. Henry has his family here. His other mother and his sister are here. His grandparents are here. Like it or not, for 10 years... he was nothing to you. You made the choice to give him up, and now after that one cursed year we had in New York you have the audacity to think that it's up to you? You're a coward, Swan. You leave when things get tough because you can't handle it. You think that makes you smart, but it only makes you immature. You were on thin ice with me before New York, but now, and listen very carefully... if you do this... if you take Henry back to New York... the ice will be completely melted. You will have destroyed any glimmer of hope for a friendship that we ever had. You... will have made an enemy with someone you do not want on your bad side. "

Scarlett's words hit deeply with Emma. The blonde tries to keep a cool composure. She has always clashed heads with Scarlett, but Emma always thinks that she is right. She always thinks that it's up to her. She always think she's in charge.

Scarlett gets up from the booth and storms out of the diner. She continues on her walk with Hook in an attempt to cool off.

Her walk lasts all day, and leads her to a barn. The barn where Regina fought her sister and won. Scarlett notices light coming out from the barn, and curiosity gets the best of her. She drops Hook's leash and orders him to stay as she goes to open the barn doors.

The doors open, and flashes of light swirl around the barn as she feels herself being sucked into a portal. Before she's completely submerged, she feels a hand grab hers. Scarlett looks up and sees the last person she wants to see.


Scarlett can't help but roll her eyes. Emma's grasp starts to weaken before it finally caves. The two women fall deep into the portal, completely unaware that Killian sprints to them and jumps in the portal after them, having no idea where it leads. All he cares about is saving Scarlett.

The portal soon closes, and the only remnants of their presence is that of a barking dog, for the three of them are no longer in this time... but in the past.

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