No Turning Back

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The conference that Shen Wei went run smoothly if only Big Boss Ou Yang never came.

Pyro invited him in unexpectedly, seeing Shen Wei lighten the mood of Big Boss Ou Yang and welcome him in open arms. Shen Wei stiff and back away from him. "Is that the way you treat your former boss? Little flower?!"

Shen Wei's men all look at each other in puzzle but not Sang and Cong Bo who knows what happened to him back then.

When Shen Wei was new in Big Boss Ou Yang's gang, he took a fansy on the little beauty and always left him with his side. Trying to pull him in bed. Shen Wei tried to avoid him. Sometimes Big Boss Ou Yang will seduce him and even touch him any way he can.

But one day he cornered him and have his way on him. Sang and Cong Bo have witness it but they don't have the power to stop him. Until one day Shen Wei have hidden a sharp object and slashed at their Big Boss Ou Yang's wrist and runs away with them.

There he met Chu whose the body guard of his father whose his trying to find in the city. He can't believe his father is a gangster boss as well. Upon learning what Big Boss Ou Yang had done to him. His father almost kill his boss but he escape.

As he father introduce him to his twin Yezun whom he never knew. Yezun first is so very kind to him. But he becoming possessive about him. So he decided to make his own gang to get away from his possessive didi.

And now his the big boss of the city. He suddenly grabbed his former boss and twisted his arms and slammed on the table. Everyone was shocked even Pyro who tried to save his former boss. When a knife suddenly place on his neck. "I wouldn't touch my gege if I were you!" Yezun came with his men.

Pyro widen his eyes, "Oh! I forgot to tell you I'm his didi! You know Big Dragon do you? That's our father!" He suddenly command his men to take Big Boss Ou Yang but not before Shen Wei cut off his fingers with his own knife. "That's for touching me unapropriate!" And shoved it to Yezun's men.

Big Boss Ou Yang's men are frozen to their place even Pyro's men. Ying saw everything, never to cross the Big Dragon's clan or your life will be the payment. And that what happened to Big Boss Ou Yang as he was dragged away. "Father will be so trilled seeing him again!" Said Yezun maniacally.

Shen Wei just ignored him and glared at Pyro, "Cross me again and I'll make sure I will eat you alive!" He warn him. Yezun happily added more, "I will too!!!" He happily caress his knife on Pyro's face. Who sweat and almost pee on his pants.

"Didi! Stop it already!" Yezun cling his arms on his neck, "You know I'll do anything for you!" Shen Wei lightly pushed him. Yezun frown but the next word made Shen Wei turn his back on him. "Oh yes! Father want to meet your new wife! Be there tonight! Don't be late!"

In an hour Shen Wei came back, but his smile fade seeing Yunlan talking happily with a beautiful woman his jealousy escalate. "Xiao Wei!!!" Upon seeing him Yunlan run toward him and hugged him. Shen Wei replied him with a heated kiss making Yunlan red as his new friend is watching them.

He lightly pushed him away making Shen Wei frown as he introduce him to Wang. Wang gave her hand but Shen Wei ignored it. "Let's leave now, I'm not feeling well." And pulled Yunlan's hips to him, as they started to walk toward the car. Yunlan wave to Wang goodbye.

But Shen Wei suddenly pulled him toward the car. When they're inside the car, Shen Wei started kissing his neck while caressing his back. "Xiao Wei what's wrong? " Yunlan notice his mood swing. "Don't meet with that woman again or you never will come back in that ranch!"

Yunlan sense his husband distress even Da quing and Guo whose infront of the car. Chu whose driving switch the car to block what they're seeing at back. "I don't care if your his best friend!" As Da quing and Guo frown at him. "Boss didn't like to earsdrop in their conversation.

Meanwhile to ease the tention Yunlan started kissing Shen Wei's cheek while unbuttoned his polo shirt. So he can calmed down and breath easily. But Shen Wei thought Yunlan want to have s-x inside the car. And suddenly attack him with a furious kisses making Yunlan shocked a little.

While Shen Wei teared his shirt. Da quing hearing that want to see what's happening at the back but Chu hold and turned his head back infront.

Back to Shen Wei whose hovering now to Yunlan and unzipping his pants. "Not here!" Yunlan tried to stop him because his friend might hear them. But Shen Wei wants to forget what happened in the conference and didn't hid Yunlan's plee.

Luckily when he thrusted to Yunlan he shut his mouth whose about to cry in pain by his soft, pink lips. Yunlan helplessly can't hold back his husband as he rock his body to him. Making him moan unexpectedly in the kiss as Shen Wei hit his soft spot again and again. As that pain become pleasure Yunlan forgot his in the car. And cried more as his long, bare, smooth legs wound on the hips of Shen Wei.

Whose non stop raming himself inside of him while giving hikies to Yunlan everywhere on his body. Da quing and Guo became red upon hearing their moans as their bodies became one. Chu quickly start playing loud music to cover up his boss making love to his wife. For he know it will be a long ride before they stop.

It's been an hours before they stop. While Shen Wei still inside of him and kissing his neck, "My family wants to meet you!" Making Yunlan widen his eyes.

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