Chapter 15

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Jethro woke up on the sleeping roll. His head felt like it was about to split open.

He groaned as he tried to roll out of the mat, then his side caused him to think better of that.

This is not good.

The night before, after Daneran and Hanc had spent time observing the impound lot where Hanc's ship, The Phoenix, was being held, they had sat around the table discussing what could be done to break it out.

The impound lot was a large, circular pit.

The bottom of the pit contained dozens of impounded ships. It was starting to fill beyond capacity. It seemed that the empire had captured several more ships that had been caught trying to escape the planet.

Once inside the pit, it would be easy to get to the ship and defend it long enough to get airborne. The overcrowding of the ships would both provide cover, as well as make it difficult for large numbers of troops to move in large groups.

The problem was going to be getting inside. All around the pit were double security fences, the outer layer having been installed with tamper sensors. The inner fence had a constant charge running through it, making both fences impossible to cut through.

Between the two fences, guard patrols constantly circled, giving no time for cutting even if it were possible.

The only way into the pit on foot was through a security gate guarded by twelve clones.

"Looks to be impossible, even for a Jedi," Hanc had said as they looked at the holos they had taken.

Jethro had been focusing intently on the holos, trying to soak up every detail while ignoring the pain that made him dizzy.

"That tower," he said, pointing to a holo of a fortified tower built into both fences, "what is it?"

"Power supply," Daneran said.

"That's our way in."

"How so?"

Jethro looked at Marsie.

"How good are you with that rifle?"

Daneran laughed.

"She took out dozens of your boys from so far away, they never had a chance of finding her."

Jethro winced at the humor, but nodded.

"Find a good vantage point and take out the guards. Once they're," he paused, "taken care of, we'll climb the tower wall, then slip down the other side, already in the pit."

"Sounds simple," Hanc said.

"Yea, too simple," Daneran replied. "What if one raises the alarm?"

"Marsie's just going to have to shoot fast."

Everyone had looked at him incredulously. Deciding to try and look incharge, he had stood up, and the floor had raced to meet him.

Things were not looking good. His wound seemed to be getting worse, rather than better. At this rate, he was going to be lucky just to make it to the tower, let alone over it.

The plan itself was bad and he knew it, but he couldn't think of anything else. The pain was just too much. It blocked everything else out.

"Here, drink this."

Margie knelt down next to him and held out a cup of broth.

"Thanks." He took the broth.

"Dan and Hanc went out to scout the impound lot again." She chuckled. "I don't think Dan likes him very much."

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