Chapter 8

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The Quarren had finished his meal and was walking back towards the division.

The Commandos followed him from a distance, each spread out amongst the crowd, hiding their similarities.

Even from the distance they were at, Leadfoot could see that Dom was starting to get twitchy. He had a feeling that he was about to do something really bad.

"Dr. La!"

The Quarren, along with his commando tail, jerked their heads to see where the voice, one that Leadfoot recognized, was coming from.

It was Jethro, dressed in a labcoat of all things, walking towards the doctor with open arms.

"Don't you remember me?"

Dr. La shook his head and tried to sidestep him, but Jethro continued to persist.

"Come on now, you gave a lecture on speculative genetics to my class, we had lunch after... Nothing?"

Leadfoot looked at Blazer, who shrugged, then at Dom, who wouldn't stop scowling.

"Come on man, I'm sure you remember."

Jethro threw his arms around the Doctor. That was when Leadfoot saw it. Just the slightest glint of silver flashed in Jethro's hand, then plunged into the doctor's neck.

He instantly went limp.

"You alright there Doc? Looks like you've had a bit too much to drink."

Leadfoot emerged from the crowd right in front of the pair.

"Hey there friend! How about giving me a hand here?" Jethro said.

Jethro motioned for him to take an arm and together the two walked the Quarren doctor right out of the square as if he were a drunk man.

Not a single person batted an eye.


"This is not the plan!"
"It is now!"

Leadfoot sat and watched the heated argument, a hint of amusement playing at his lips.

Dom was pissed, nothing new there, but so was Jethro. Twice now he had stopped Dom from slitting the Quarren's throat.

In the middle of all this, Blazer lay sprawled out in the corner, seemingly without a care in the world.

"I'm in charge here! I call the shots."

"Republic Command is in charge, and they ordered us to kill him!"

"He could have information we need!"

"Enough!" Leadfoot finally cut in. "This argument is getting about as far as a couple of nerfs with their horns locked together."

Both Jethro and Dom quieted down, quiet furry still behind their eyes.

"Decisions were made and now we have him in custody. It's just a short hike to the ship, even shorter if I can jack us a speeder. We might as well take him along. Where's the harm in that?"

Dom glared at him, then stalked to the far side of the room to glare out the window.

Jethro moved to check on the still unconscious prisoner.

"Alright then. I'll see what I can round up for transport," Leadfoot said, moving to the door.

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