Chapter 9-The Rangers (Read A/N)

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"Robin, we can't shake them." Isabella whispered saddling her new horse. "How do you expect to just ride? These may not be trained killer but they had the same intensions as you till John gave them money to bring in people. They hunt for their lives!"

"Isabella, first please calm down. We have been through worst!" Robin said

"No we haven't" She snapped back.

"Second, trust me. If we get caught........we'll improvise!'' he said.

Isabella frowned at his answered. That's what I said until I thought more about it, she thought not responding. "Let's just get going."

Robin nodded "John!!!!!" he called "Ready to head out!" he said. They had agreed to be a bit louder on where they 'were' going.

"Are you sure south is the best route?" Isabella asked

"Yes. The rangers and soldiers are all up north looking for tracks, so we have to go around them. About a two days journey." he answered trying to not break

"Sounds reasonable." Robin smirked climbing on his horse. "Let’s go."

Johnathan did the same riding in front of Robin and Isabella as they turned to go south. They soon started to pick up speed as agreed and once they crossed the forest line, they broke out into a sprint. Isabella could vaguely hear others hoofs close behind them. Johnathan turned his horse to the right into the trees.

Isabella and Robin followed and they slowed down hoping not to be heard. Robin signaled for them to keep going as he waited for them to past for him to ride in the back behind Isabella.

'I can still feel eyes on the back of my head!' a voice in her head said 'there is no way out of this one! There are twenty Rangers against three rebels! It's a long shot.'

'Where's your hope?' Isabella asked looking over her shoulder. Robin was sitting still face stone as he strand to listen to anything or anyone. Isabella frowned looking at him. He was so tense and so upset that he didn't see something like this coming. His shoulder trembled and Isabella bit her lip looking at him shaking.

Wait! That was no shake!

Isabella looked harder at his shoulder and about ten yards back was a man. His bow was drawn and his aim on Robin's back. Isabella gasped causing the man to loosen his focus on Robin and more on her.

"Robin! Your back!" Isabella warned. He looked confused and the man's bow plucked from his grasp and would have nearly shot him in his shoulder if Isabella hadn't push the horses face to the other side.

The arrow flew past all three of them hitting a tree.

"Hault!" he called.

"Go!" Robin yelled. Johnathan and Isabella kicked their horses as they started to sprint, Robin close behind as they all ducked avoiding new and many arrows.

Isabella was gasping for breath praying an arrow would not hit. She got what she prayed for. An arrow barely missed her foot, but instead hit her horse. It collapsed to the ground and Isabella rolled off as it whined in pain.

Robin rode to her about to grab her so they could ride together. Isabella reached out her hand and Robin his as they were only inches apart.

When Isabella's fingers were pulled away from his, she screamed in pain. Someone had yanked her back hard by her ankle probably popping it out of it;s place.

''Isabella!" Robin yelled.

"Go!" she cried closing her eyes.

"No!" he yelled tears threatening to burst.

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