Chapter 3- Good as Home

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Isabella growled at Robin. He is so full of himself!

"I'd prefer black." She snapped glaring at the young man

He laughed causing shivers to travel up her back leaving goose bumps on her arms. "Why are you leaving, Princess? Don't you have the life at the palace?"

Isabella ignored his question "That isn't your concern. What your concern should be is to lead refuges out."

"You're no refuge, darling." He smirked.

"No..." Isabella smiled "But, if you don't get me out I can tell the guards what your signs are and whose houses you use." The master of the house coughed nervously.

Robin raised his brow crossing his arms over his chest. Isabella stared back into the green eyes smirking. "I will defiantly help you." He decided.

Isabella sighed smiling "But!" He continued "you'll pay me back later. I don't just give out free tickets to the rich."

"I'm not rich." Isabella said.

"Why don't you check the gold in the castle than come back with another reply." He snapped.

"You think that's my money! I have none!  I did not take their money!" Isabella snapped back anger building up inside of her. "You think I'm okay with this? You think I Like this? You think I Want that money?"

She stepped towards Robin who sat still in his chair no emotion on his face.

Isabella bent down to him "You truly haven’t changed. People may think you have, but the only thing you have changed is them not you."

He remand still no sign of guilt or even amusement on his face. A cough came from the corner causing both of their heads to snap towards the noise.

"The moon is almost gone, Hood" The house master mumbled nervously.

Isabella moved back from Robin pulling her cloak tighter to her body and her hood lower over her face.

"Guess no one else is coming. If they do come, please tell them to come in a fortnight. Little John will be there waiting. Thank you sir. Follow me." Robin said after thanking the man.

He slowly opened the front door walking out into the dark, deserted alley. Isabella walked after him grabbing onto Beast’s reigns. Robin waved for Isabella to follow.

She tugged Beast behind her watching her step carefully. She held her breath watching Robin check the corner. He allowed Isabella to quickly pass before following and taking the lead again.

"Is Beast, really necessary?" He whispered looking behind him. She raised her brow ignoring his question and moving on. They had past about four guards when Robin stopped her.

"In the barn down there." He pointed. "Quickly those guards won't see."

She followed his instruction pulling Beast, but he wouldn't move. She pulled harder but the horse resisted more.

"Beast!" She hissed.

Robin smacked the horse’s side which seemed to be its trigger. Beast let out a breath and moved forward as Isabella quietly opened the barn gate leading in Beast as Robin kept a close eye on the guard.

They finally made it in and Robin shut the windows after he made it in.

"Okay. Little John will get Beast tomorrow." Robin said

'What?" Isabella asked holding Beast reigns tighter.

"I swear he will get to you. He won't make it across the river without making a lot of noise." He explained

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