Chapter Five

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After lunch, they walked back to class. That's until Nathan felt someone kick his wheelchair, making him stop, he looked up to see a tall young man with brown hair and green eyes smirking as he had a group of boys behind him. Sarah kept quiet, knowing that someone was there. "Hey kids, what's goin' on?" He said, pushing Nathan and his wheelchair against the small lockers. Nathan grunted in pain as he slid out of his chair, Sarah gaped in fright. "Nathan, are you ok?!" She asked, trying to find him as she put her hands on the lockers. The boy kicked Nathan, the boys' behind him laughing. Sarah felt like she was about to cry again, a boy with red hair and blue eyes went behind her and grabbed her from behind. She screamed and cried as he pushed her against the wall, "Stop it, leave us alone!" She cried. Nathan's eye widened as he looked at Sarah and the boy, the red-headed laughed as he out his hands all over her. She cried as he touched her, she didn't like it, no, she despised it. The brunette stopped kicking Nathan and went over to Sarah and the boy, "Well, what do we have here?" He said smirking.

Nathan had a secret, a secret that he had been hiding from Sarah. That he could actually walk, but not very good, but he could walk. Nathan got up slowly as he leaned on the lockers for extra support. He wiped the strand of blood from his bottom lip and ran over to Sarah, stopping the perverts from touching her. He stood in front of her with his hands out, "Hey, leave her alone!" He yelled. The boys' eyes widened as they did not know he could walk, Nathan clenched his fists in anger, trying not to cause any more violence. The boys' walked away sighing, Nathan looked back at Sarah who was sobbing like crazy. He hugged her gently, his heartbeat trying to go back to normal, she hugged him back blushing. "Y-You seem taller, but why?" She asked. He sighed, knowing that he had to tell her someday, "Sarah my friend, I am not disabled, in fact, I am able to walk perfectly fine, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before.." He said sadly. Sarah looked down and looked back up at him smiling sweetly, "It's fine! I don't care about if you can walk or not, all I care is that you always stay with me.." She said smiling.

Nathan leaned her over the wall, she blushed madly as he played with one of her black curls. "Sarah Williams~.." He cooed in her ear. She nodded, "Y-Yes.." She said still blushing. He put a hand on her cheek and kissed her gently, she stood there, completely frozen. She kissed back slowly, his soft lips against hers. Her blush went away as Nathan leaned away slowly, "Do you love me?" He asked softly. Sarah's blush came back as she gulped, "O-Of course I do.." She said smiling. Nathan raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?" He said sadly. Sarah nodded and smiled wider, "I love you with all my heart.." She said.
After class she waited for her brother to pick her up. She stood next to Nathan smiling as she held his hand, he turned his head to see the mini-van he saw a couple days ago. It stopped and Freddy jumped out of the front seat, looking at both of them. "I didn't know you could walk.." He said chuckling. The teenagers laughed nervously, "O-Of course I could!" He said nervously. Freddy smirked and flipped his black bangs out of his face, he sighed, "C'mon sis, time to go home.." He said helping his sister into the car. Sarah nodded and looked down, "See you tomorrow, Nathan!" She yelled happily as she waved. Nathan waved back as they drove away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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