Chapter Two

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After class, Sarah got up slowly and out her stuff in her bag. She grunted as she out the bag on her back, she grabbed her cane and slowly walked out of the classroom. "Hey, wait up!" She heard a familiar voice say. She turned around and smiled sweetly, "Hello Nathan, nice to see you again.." She said, leaning against the wall to not bump into anyone. Nathan grinned as he rolled his wheelchair beside her, "Hey Sarah?" He asked. "Hmm?" "Is it hard not to see, I mean, it's very easy to bump into someone.." He said, slowly reaching for her hand. She nodded, "Yeah, but I can hear twice as good as anyone else I know.." She said with a big smile on her face. Nathan nodded as he pulled her hand down to his wheelchair, "Then you can hold onto this.." He said smiling. She nodded happily as a slight blush filled her cheeks, she was so happy to have a new friend.

As they went to class, Nathan chattered about how many younger siblings he has. Of course Sarah didn't mind, she liked to hear his voice. It was like music to her. As they went into their next class, Sarah smiled as she held her cane tightly and tried to find another desk. She sat down and brought out her Social Studies notebook, she drew a bit as Nathan sat next to her. Nathan looked over, his brown hair covering his right eye and his blue eyes shining. He loved everything abut her, the way she walks, the way she talks, the way she smiles at everybody and is always happy. He looked at her black long curly hair and grabbed a string of it, Sarah grinned as she felt the touch of his fingers. She really liked Nathan, but didn't know how to tell him.

Nathan brought a blue journal and began to write notes, 'If Sarah doesn't get the notes, I'll just give them to her..' He thought to himself as he wrote. After class, Sarah got up slowly and put her books in her backpack. She looked around with a cute but confused look, as if she was a little kid who had just lost their mother at the store. Nathan smirked and grabbed her hand quickly, Sarah flinched and looked down at him, "D-Don't scare me like that!" She yelled as she grabbed onto the wheelchair handles. Nathan laughed as he rolled out of the class with Sarah, he went to his locker and got his homework. Sarah stood there bluntly as she looked around, still with an confused look on her face.

Nathan rolled his wheelchair out of the school, Sarah sat down at a bench and brought out sphere notebook revealing a beautiful scotched flower. Nathan's eyes widened as she grabbed his knees and put the picture on his legs, he grinned and leaned over to hug her. Nathan looked around to see people staring and whispering and he back away, Sarah looked around smiling and got up slowly. "Alrighty~, I guess my mom or dad should be here should be here any minute now." She said as if she could see. Nathan smiled and nodded, "Same here.." He said quietly. After a couple of minutes of waiting a white mini-van drove over to Sarah, it stopped right in front of the two teenagers. "Hey Sarah.." She heard a male voice say. It was her older brother Freddy! She squealed excitedly as the black-haired boy walked over to her and smiled. He gently held her hands and helped her into the car, he slammed the door behind her.

He then looked at Nathan and gave him a smile, "Hey, wanna lift?" He asked, pointing to the mini-van. The boy shrugged, "Sure.." Nathan said grinning. Freddy quickly picked him up and put him in the back seat, Nathan blushed as he looked away. Freddy slammed the door and ran into the front seat, he began to drive away.

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