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(A/N sorry for the grammatical errors.)

Izuku woke up and things were a little blurry for him. He remembered what happened and looked around for Momo. He didn't find her in bed.

Izuku :- She must have gone on a patrol or something.

Izuku got up. He stretched a little and put the device back on his chest. He put on his t-shirt and his suit covered his body. As Izuku was going to go out the window, his stomach grumbled.

Izuku :- Maybe I'll grab a slice of bread.

Izuku went downstairs and made his way into the kitchen but his spider-sense went off as he was about to enter the kitchen. Izuku stopped in his tracks. He looked closely to see wires with mucus around the enterance of the kitchen.

Izuku :- This is Froppy's mucus. It's supposed to harden when it touched. Momo you-


Izuku's spider-sense went off. He turned to the main entrance. The main entrance blew up as Izuku was pushed back and some debris fell on him. From the destroyed entrance came in Dynamigt, Red Riot, Creati, Ryukyu, Uravity, Battle Fist, Real steel and Froppy.

Red Riot :- Bakugo, you idiot. We were supposed to wait until he got caught in the wires.

Dynamight :- We've been here since 7 AM. I'm not gonna wait any longer. DEKU ! YOU PIECE OF SHIT. COME OUT AND DIE BY MY HANDS !

Ryukyu :- Calm Down, Dynamight. We're here to capture him not kill him. Creati didn't do those things just for him to die or escape.

Izuku (thinking) :- Last night was a lie ?

Creati :- Everyone be careful. Izuku is dangerous. We might be getting out of here with broken bones.

As the heroes ventured further in the entrance, they heard multiple ticking noises.

Ryukyu :- What is that ticking sound ?

Froppy :- Is the a bomb here ?

Suddenly, a burst of webs covered all of the heroes. Some were webbed to the ground while some were webbed to the wall. All of the heroes tried to free themselves but not one was able to.

Spider-Man de-cloaked his suit. He walked towards Momo and stood beside here as she tried to free herself.

Izuku :- So, I'm guessing last night was all just a part of the play, huh ?

Momo :- Izuku, please. Just listen to me. We can talk this out. If you surrender now, the police might even pardon you. You might even get a official heroes license. You can be a hero.

Izuku stayed silent as tears started to well up in his and Momo's eyes.

Izuku :- I guess I can't really blame you. I was always telling you that with great powers comes great responsibility. Capturing me was your responsibility.

Momo :- Izuku, please. Don't do this.

Izuku :- I guess It's over.

Izuku was going to go but was stopped by the maniacal laughter of Dynamight.

Dynamight :- Would you look at that Deku, even your girl didn't love you. In the end she also left you....

Ryukyu :- Dynamight don't instigate him.

Dynamight :- Because the truth is no one will ever love you. That's why your old man died, that's why your mom died and that's why your girl betrayed you. You just can't be loved. That's why she never loved you. You're always gonna be alone, DEKU !

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility (Izumomo)Where stories live. Discover now