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(A/N sorry for the grammatical errors.)

Izuku :- I can do this. I can do this. Even If I don't glide, I can just swing to safety.

Izuku was standing on the peak of the tallest building in Hosu City. After Yuri had asked him about gliding, Izuku was determined to see if he xan really glide.

Izuku took in a deep breath. He jumped off the building. He was falling of the building at high speeds.

As Izuku reached the halfway point of the building, Izuku extended his cape by holding it.

Izuku started glide slowly.


Because Izuku was busy cheering, he didn't see the billboard in front until the spider-sense tingled in his head. He looked forward but he had no time to to react as he smashed into the billboard.

Izuku :- Ow.

Izuku's HUD displayed an incoming call from Yuri.

Izuku :- Hey Yuri.

Yuri :- Hey Spider-Man. Can hurry up and get to the police station ? We have someone who wants to meet you ?

Izuku :- Uh sure. I'll be there in a few minutes.

Izuku ended the call and swinged to the police station.

When Izuku reached the police station, he went into Yuri's office. There he saw a woman with short silver hair and silver clothes.

Spider-Man :- Who are you ? Silver Chariot ?

Izuku laughed while Yuri and the silver lady looked at him with an unamused look.

Spider-Man :- My bad.

Yuri :- This is Silver Sable. She is from Symkaria and is the owner of Silver Sable international. And she has a job for you.

Spider-Man :- what is it ?

Silver Sable :- 3 weeks ago a shipment containing tech made by our company was stolen by Quentin Beck. While most of the tech was related to household, there was a pair of glasses that controlled drones from the satellite.

Spider-Man :- You guys have a satellite ?

Silver Sable :- Yes. Those glasses will be of great help to the rebels in Symkaria.

Spider-Man :- Rebels ?

Silver Sable :- I'm guessing you don't watch or read the news.

Spider-Man :- I stopped reading it.

Silver Sable :- There is a civil war going on between the heroes and the civilians. The heroes have taken over Symkaria's goverment and made it a dictatorship. It is of utmost importance that we secure those glasses.

Spider-Man :- And by we, you mean me.

Silver Sable :- Indeed.

Yuri :- Beck was last seen near the abandoned building near the last train station.

Spider-Man :- Alright I got this.

Yuri :- Be careful Spider-Man. Do you know what his quirk is ?

Spider-Man :- It's like Maboromicamie. Except he doesn't summon Illusion clouds from his mouth like her.

Yuri :- Yeah. Be careful.

Izuku exited the police station and went to his destination. His HUD showed the shortest route to the abandoned building.

The HUD started to display and incoming call from an unknown number. Izuku accepted the call.

Izuku :- Hello ?


The person screamed into the microphone which caught him off-guard. He almost let the web he was holding on to go. He stuck himself to a wall for safety.

Izuku :- I'm sorry who is this ?

????? :- It's me Mina.

Izuku :- One of Momo's friend ?

Mina :- Yeah.

Izuku :- How did you get my number ?

Mina :- I hacked into Momo's phone and took your number.

Izuku :- You hacked ? That's a crime. Aren't you a hero ?

Mina :- A small price to pay for your number. Listen, you know what's tomorrow, right ?

Izuku :- Obviously. It's Momo's birthday.

Mina :- Yes. So, the safety commision has planned a surprise party for tomorrow and I know the perfect gift you can give to Momo.

Izuku :- I'm not covering myself with ribbon amd saying I'm your present.

Mina :- Ok. I have another gift-

Izuku :- I already bought a gift for Momo. I'm kinda busy right now, so excuse me.

Izuku cut the call and started swinging again. Soon, he reached the abandoned building.

He saw Beck on the first floor of the building. He quickly zipped to the building. He broke the window and grabbed Beck by the neck.

Spider-Man :- Give me the glasses Beck.

Beck :- This certainly isn't a desired situation but I have contingency.

Izuku's spider-sense went off amd he looked infront to see a drone. The drone shot Izuku which sent him flying backwards. Izuku slowly got up.

Spider-Man :- Just give me the glasses Beck.

Beck took out the glasses from his pocket.

Beck :- You want these ? Come and get em.

Beck activated his quirk and the whole hallway turned black with green smoke on the ground.

Spider-Man :- Come on Dude.

Izuku toom a deep breath and closed his eyes. Izuku charged forward. He jumped of the wall and punched one the drones to the ground and kicked one to the ceiling.  Almost all of the drones started firing at Izuku except 3 drones around Beck.

Beck :- Why aren't these drones firing ?

A.I. :- You are in the strike zone.


All of the drones started firing at Izuku which he dodged. As Izuku smashed his way through the drones, one of the drones accidentally shot beck in the leg.

After Izuku smashed the last drone by webbing it and smashing it to the ground, he made his way to Beck.

Beck :- Here you go.

Beck extended his hand with the glasses. Izuku caught something to his right.  A bullet missed Izuku.

Spider-Man :- You can't trick me Beck.

Izuku took the glasses of Beck.

Beck :- Alright. Just take me to the police station.

Spider-Man :- Oh I'm not taking you to police station just yet.

Timeskip :-

Izuku was handing off the glasses to Silver Sable.

Silver Sable :- Thanks for the help Spider-Man. Though you didn't need to hang Beck in his underwear in the middle of the city.

Spider-Man :- Meh. It was fun seeing him cry.

Sliver Sable then took the glass and de-cloaked her plane while Izuku and Yuri stared in awe.

Silver Sable :- Until next time Spider-Man. You be careful.

Spider-Man :- When am I not careful ?

Silver Sable got into her jet and flew off.

Spider-Man :- That's awesome. I wish I had a jet that could turn invisible.

Yuri :- Me too.

Spider-Man :- Well, I'm gonna go. Bye Yuri.

(To Be Continued.)

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