Chapter 2

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A/N: So... It has been months. Damn does time pass quickly and I do feel guilty for not getting it out before but... life has just hit hell mainly due to my college and a creative dump. I don't want to drag out this A/N but I owe you a reason for my delay so... yeah. 

So... I was initially supposed to post it on my birthday but then I was kinda nearing a creative slump at that point because I had been doing multiple event weeks in AO3 for another fandom. SO I was like I will post in September. Which also went to hell the moment my college said they were going to open offline. And by god that was exhausting cuz I had to wake up super early, my commute was nearly 1 and half hours and there was a lot of stuff going on, especially with Inktober coming up in October and my exhaustion led to a massive creative slump cuz I couldn't think of anything and I had a severe lack of motivation. And I am just coming out of it cuz for some reason I like to write stuff right when exams are round the corner, but then that got postponed due to the storms and cyclones that are hitting the shore and BAM! It's the beginning of a new year now and I know I... yeah.

(ADHD, you are not helping me with all the distractions and hyperfixations bro. Like not at all. Super not cool.)

So yeah. That's what happened. SO I am really really sorry for keeping you all waiting and I can't promise a consistent update schedule cuz my college and ADHD is a bitch but I will try my level best to update more often than what I am doing right now, especially cuz after this chapter, most of it is gonna just be rewriting the chapter to suit what ideas I have at the moment (thanks again ADHD -_-)

The quest was a blur. That was all Percy could think of at the moment when he went back to camp after giving the lightning bolt back to Zeus. Out of all the things that seemed to have happened, the only two events that he could clearly remember were his time in the Underworld and his time on Olympus talking to his dad.

Maybe it was the effect of that blasted casino in Vegas. Or maybe not. He didn't really know. But he did know that his brain was most likely overloaded at the moment and will surely catch up on the remaining details as time passed. For now though, his thoughts were stuck with the thoughts of his parents, all three of them and he couldn't really divert his thoughts from that.

Hades had promised to set both Gabe and his mom free if he got his helm back, even though he did mumble about something about inter wars, whatever that was when he started talking about his step father, not that it was as important at that moment.

He was going to visit his mother after he went back to report at the camp, at least to let Annabeth, Grover and Chiron know that he was alright before he went off to see his mother. He was just putting it off for a day, trying not to get his hopes up high. Or he was just scared that he wouldn't find them back at home if he went there now. Though he did return Hades' helmet so he should keep up his promise too... But these were gods he was talking about... And if there was one thing he learnt, it was the fact that gods were unpredictable.

So he didn't really know whether he should be surprised or not when he opened his apartment door and saw his mother working around in the kitchen and Gabe reading his paper like they usually do in the morning. Like nothing had ever happened.

Maybe that's a good thing? Maybe he wouldn't be asked any questions and therefore wouldn't have to tell them about the quest? Maybe-

"Percy, mind explaining a few things to us? Namely, how did we escape from an exploding car and end up in our apartment, without any injuries, I might add?"

Aw man! And here he thought he could slip away from their questions... he supposed that wasn't happening at this point so... he reluctantly sat down and retold the whole quest to them, trying to downplay everything so that they wouldn't worry... not that he supposed it helped from the looks shot in his direction, but they chose not to question him so that was probably a plus in his books.

Ultimately, he'd chosen to go back to camp during his holidays. His mother had been a bit skeptical about it, but Gabe seemed to have convinced her to let him go. Maybe it was also the fact that he'd gone on a quest and knew about monsters and needed to know to defend himself that let his mother make the decision, but he wasn't going to complain. He had finally found people he fit in with and actually could relate with.

Though she did draw the line for going to camp full time. She never explicitly said it, but he knew that it wasn't her favourite option, even if it did ensure security for him. But she let it be his decision to make and that she would support him no matter what he decides to do.

In his mind, the answer was a no brainer. He loved fitting in, he loved the camp, he loved the fact that he could be around people who were just like him, interact with them, learn with them without facing discrimination... or not, considering the fact that he would face it anyway for being a child of the "Big Three" and all...

Though the party at camp was pretty interesting, all things considered. And the bead was cool. Though he really wasn't a fan of getting poisoned. Definitely not. Getting poisoned was not cool. Getting poisoned by someone he considered a friend? Doubly not cool. Knowing that said friend is working for someone who is out for your blood? Definitely crosses many lines he didn't know he had.

The conversation with his dad still stung though. Like, it was one thing to meet an Olympian, who was his father, who had, in better words, abandoned him for most of his life, only to suddenly pop up and say that he regrets his existence. Like, maybe that wasn't the exact wording but the implications still stung real bad. Thanks, Poseidon.

The end of summer brought around another school year. And in all honesty, it was a miracle that he hadn't been banned from schools, after being kicked out of school every year. He expected to be black listed, but suspected that maybe magic was in play, considering the fact that he did enroll into another school. Hopefully, he wouldn't be kicked out of this one. Hopefully.

A/N: Maybe... Maybe I'm just frustrated about the fact that it's been 4 years since I've started writing this book and this is the 3rd time I've had to rewrite it... Because this was the first idea I've ever had that I was truly invested in writing... You know. But then things started going sideways and it got frustrating. Maybe in this new year I'll be able to pick myself back up and actually complete this, even if it isn't the way I'd initially planned for it to be.

Hope you all like it! All comments and criticisms accepted and appreciated! Suggestions and ideas are welcome! Happy New Year folks! Hopefully the next year turns out to be less shitty. The next chapter should contain the gist of quest 2 and 3. It was supposed to be this chapter but then I am sick so... I am cutting it. Again.

Thank you all for reading!!!!!

Rasnak signing off :) ;)


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