Chapter 1

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A/N: Sorry it's been a while to get to this chapter. Man writing good Gabe is tougher than I realised. But that doesn't mean I won't write it! Just took some time to step over a few things, especially cuz he's also included in book 1 and 2 in some way. And cuz I had to read through both the books again. It's been a while since I read any of Rick Riordan works...

Percy slammed the door shut as he dragged his feet into the apartment. Another school he got kicked out of because he was labelled insane for talking about teachers who didn't exist and daydreaming. He saw it with his own eyes! Mrs. Dodds, his algebra teacher had turned into a bat monster! With red eyes and leathery wings and everything! And then Mr. Brunner had thrown him a pen that turned into a sword and Mrs. Dodds had turned into dust! Why doesn't anyone believe him!

"Hey Percy! Another school not worthy of your awesomeness?" Gabe teased from his spot on the sofa and Percy couldn't help by crack a smile at that. "Hi Gabe. Seems so. With the way everyone was calling me crazy and insane? I myself would've made an excuse to drop out if they hadn't expelled me! Even Grover admitted that there was a Mrs. Dodds!" Percy exclaimed as he dropped next to Gabe.

"Now who is this Mrs. Dodds again?" Gabe inquired, eyes set on the frown on Percy's face. "A demon. That's what she was. Always singled me out even if I didn't do anything. And then she turned into a literal demon and started blabbering about returning something I stole! Can you believe it dad! ME? Stealing anything? Alright, I've stolen things but never a helmet!" Percy amended quickly as he caught Gabe's look.

"Anything else you want to tell me?" Gabe asked, his face growing pale by the minute. "Um... nothing?" Percy tried to deflect, sensing the tension in the air. Judging by Gabe's unimpressed stare, it didn't work. He was always somehow able to point it out when he tried to deflect and this was one of the times he really hated Gabe for that.

"The bus brokedown all of a sudden and I saw 3 ladies knit huge socks with many balls of wool and one of them stared right at me as she cut a strand and it felt really weird. And Grover started acting real weird around me from then so I had to desert him after we got off the bus. I didn't want to but he was acting creepy!" Percy added defensively, an indignant look on his face.

"Alright then. You are going to pack your bags ad get ready soon. We are leaving right after your mother arrives" Gabe decides as he claps his hands, causing Percy to just stare blankly at him.

"Where? And why?"

"It either Montauk or camp, that's for your mother to decide after she comes back home any minute... Now" he declared right as the door opened and a weary, yet smiling Saly walked through it.

A few explanations and discussions later, they were all packed and ready to head out. Luggages stoved into the cars and everyone were buckled. 

"Where to Sally?"

"I would love to say Montauk as we'd planned but it is no use protecting him anymore. His destiny is catching up with him. Drive to the camp Gabe"

"What? What do you mean protect? What do you mean by 'My destiny is catching up with me?' can someone explain something?" Percy asked desperately but was promptly ignored as the adults seemed more interested in conversing with each other in hushed tones.

A while into driving, Percy saw a very familiar figure by the roadside, hands raised in a way to suggest he was hitching a ride. He was so dead. He tried and failed to ask Gabe to please go on as he pulled up next to Grover and offered him a lift.

"Sup Percy?" he'd asked with a glare as he got into the backseat alongside him and all he could do was to sheepishly wave at him.

"Can anyone please tell me what's going on at least now?" Percy grumped, half an hour into the ride, his hands fiddling and legs tapping against the floor of the car.

"We are going to the camp your father recommended Percy. I really didn't want to send you there so soon but... I don't think we can put it off anymore. It was a family tradition, he'd said and he wanted you to follow it if ever he were to go away early" Sally finally explained, eyes on the road.

"I go to the same camp so you won't be alone?" Grover piped up and Percy just gave them a sceptical look. If it was just a simple summer camp, why was mom hesitant to send him there?

"There's a catch. What are you not telling me?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "

"We'll tell you when we reach camp. For now, let's just focus on getting there in one piece" Gabe gruffed out, pressing on the accelerator like he'd seen something they hadn't. Grover also seemed to have become a bit... shifty, nervous and was constantly looking around.

It started raining heavily and Gabe cursed as he tried to increase the speed a little more. The road was relatively deserted, thankfully, as they sped on without much issue. That is until the lightning struck right in front of the car and threw it back.

Percy didn't know how much time had passed, but he knew that it was a significant amount of time when he regained consciousness as he could hear roars that definitely wasn't the sound of the rains or thunder.

"Everyone alright?" Gabe asked softly, a groan emitting as he asked the question and Percy just shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

"I... I'm alright" he decided as he sat up and glanced at his best friend. Whose pants had come undone and... that wasn't his legs. No that... it couldn't be... he couldn't be...

Memories of Mr. Brunner's latin classes slammed into him and Percy wanted to deny it. Those were just myths. They were called mythologies for a reason, right? They weren't real. This was just Grover pulling a joke on him. 'But this is the truth' his mind whisper, but he elected to ignore it in favour of focusing on the problem on hand.

The roars were getting quite close and the doors were jammed and there was no way in hell they could get out of the car unscathed. He looked out of the window, really looked out of it and finally saw the origin of the roars.

At first glance, it did seem like a man with shaggy hair with hands above their head but as they came closer... it seemed like he was being chased by a... bull man? That closely seemed to look like...

"Phasiphe's son. DO Not use names. Names have power Percy" Gabe said suddenly as he punched the window, slowly trying to get everyone out through the broken window.

Percy went out first, dragging Grover along with him. Gabe then helped Sally out before trying to get out himself but the bull-man had caught up with them and Gabe just instructed them to run away and to leave him there.

Percy wanted to refuse, wanted to fight the decision but his mother dragged him away so he just watched helplessly as the bull-man grabbed the car by one hand and lifted it up, crushing it in one hand before dropping it. And the car promptly burst into flames.

A/N: Long time no see! Sorry about that. Life got a bit busy out here. Just when I want to type the chapter, I'll get distracted either by college or another fic idea (dam you ADHD -_-) Anyways. I am not making promises on when the next chapter will come out but it should sum up all the Gabe-Percy moments between books 1 and 3, right before the story had started the last time around.

Hope you all like it! All comments and criticisms accepted and appreciated! 

Thank you all for reading!!!!!!!!

Rasnak signing out :) ;)


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