Ch 3: Surprised to be Dead Pt. 3 (Edited)

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(Reminder: Ume's uniform is the male one like Kurama's but the pants and top are more fitted plus her cute Mary Jane's.)

Numb. The feeling of nothing as the world rushes around you. Ume's ears continued ringing as she sat beside her Aunt Atsuko in her broken state, She had never seen her aunt show much emotion but she must have loved her only son enough to cry over him. Ume's eyes burned, ready to weep like she witnessed Keiko doing but the sad thing is that she wanted to be strong for Yusuke because he was no longer with her to do it. Ume thought back to the death of her parents. She would have been left on her own at the time if it wasn't for Yusuke but now she was officially alone. Her favorite person in the world was road kill and she wasn't there to save him.

"Yusuke..." She whispered, watching the brunette falling apart.

"Kuwabara, stop man." Ume's ears perked as she trailed her head up to the door, seeing the big orange boy struggling in his friend's hold.

"Damn it, you think you can just back out because you're scared!" Kuwabara shouts, stepping up to Yusuke's shrine. Ume and Atsuko remains unfazed unlike the other people they didn't even know gawked at the scene.

"Come on, Kuwabara this place is for mourning."

"I'm not going to leave, not until he comes out and fights me!"

"He can't do that-"

"I'm going to beat you down you punk you hear me!" Kuwabara cries, reaching out for the only soft picture Ume was able to take of Yusuke by surprising from his daily walks to her home from school. She chuckled sadly in her head remembering him saying it was because he was afraid she'd get lost on the way to her own apartment and he didn't want to see her body found on the 11 O'clock news. Funny how it turned out to be the other way around. "Who do you think you are punk!" Kuwabara's gaze met Ume's dull browns and his heart clinched even more seeing the spark gone from them. He tightened his fists shouting, "Who the hell am I going to fight now punk!? Who's going to be there for Ume now, Huh?!" He releases his fist but stops it mid air, inches from Yusuke's framed face. "You're supposed too be here for me.. for Ume.."

"Kuwabara.." Ume softly says, standing to embrace the weeping delinquent. "He's gone and I'm so sorry."

"Why are you apologizing." Kuwabara mumbles within her wet shoulder. "It's that jerk's fault not yours."

But it sure didn't feel like it wasn't her fault.

"Come on, Kuwabara. Let's go." One of his friends says, pulling him away from her gently and out the door which was easier this time around as he was too concerned with his running tears to even notice what they were doing.

From above Yusuke viewed the scene with shock that even the kid he beat the crap out of everyday was crying like a baby for him, but what really broke his heart was seeing Ume so calm yet dull. 'The brat never walked properly without a skip in her damn step now here she is twiddling her fingers like a lost freakin' child.' Yusuke's spirit raged, but what worsened his mood was those teachers walking up behind Ume and flapping their gums.

"Can you believe those scums."

"They're just some losers that Urameshi hung out with." Weasel face sneers, "Too bad that car wasn't  big enough for them too."

Ume's fist gripped that bottom of her shirt hearing their disgusting words towards her friend.

"Now now, after a life of being worthless he finally managed to do something to give our school a good reputation." The mean teacher from earlier that day smirked, boiling Ume's blood.

"Well, between you and me, Iwamoto, I'd say he probably saved that little kid on accident when trying to knock him down and steal all his lunch money." Weasel leans in, with the fool beside him chuckling in agreement.

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