Ch 2: Surprised to be Dead Part 2 (Edited)

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Ume walked merrily beside Yusuke who ranted freely about this stupid town, stupid school, and stupid people. There was a lot of stupid coming out of his mouth. So caught up in himself, he forgot all about taking Ume back to school as if he was going to in the first place.

He lead them to his house where his mother had just woken up recovering from her hangover.

"Oh look mother of the year."

"Get me coffee." She says, lighting a cigarette. Her eyes trailing to her niece. "Lost again, Ume."

"Sure am Aunt Atsuko." Ume chirps, listening to Yusuke's grumbling.

"Why aren't you in school?" Atsuko asked, pulling the blanket over her knees.

"I left because they pissed me off, and Ume needed to be walked back to hers."

She blows smoke at Yusuke's lame excuse and how he as usual used Ume in that excuse. "Well if you aren't going to go then you should think about quitting and getting a job. Ume has one and she still goes." Atsuko says, flipping her hair.

Yusuke's blood boils hearing her compare him to his cousin that was standing awkwardly by the door. "Are you going to lecture me too, Mom? While still in your pajamas?"

"Dear, if you hate preaching so much you should live on your own." Yusuke growls ready to protest but she shuts him down quick. "But you can't can you? And you can't live with Ume, she barely has room for herself."

Yusuke huffs having enough of his mother, storming out of the house with Ume trailing after him.

"Rr! I swear how can my day get any stupider!" He shouts, causing the people around them to stop and stare at him. Ume on the other hand was slightly offended by this because she thought today was going great. She got to skip school and eat ice cream with her favorite person, so why was Yusuke so mad today?

He then kicks a can which triggered a group of other middle schooler to circle the cousins. They weren't worried of course because where these kids were their familiar leader was to follow.

"Urameshi." And here came Kuwabara, Yusuke best friend that he refuses to admit so instead he calls him his punching bag.

"Hey, Kuwabara you're conscious. I am not used to seeing that."

"That was a cheap shoot last time Urameshi! And I was only knocked out for a little bit!" The orange haired punk spits, fisting the front of Yusuke's green jumpsuit. "Now, I'm getting pay back and I'm going to hurt you so bad that even kittens won't look at you."

But a chill went down his spine at the dark expression Yusuke was giving him right now. "So sorry you caught me on a bad day. It really makes me a jerk." And so punch, kneed, elbowed, and kick combo resulted in Yusuke winning once again. "Well I feel better." He says, in a smug matter walk off with Ume waving goodbye to a beaten Kuwabara.

However, Yusuke still had some anger left in him and Ume was not helping with her present clinginess annoying him more than usual. "Why are you still following me?"

"What do you mean? I'm doing what I always do by hanging out with you." He scoffing confused her. "Are you going to act like a jerk to me too? Over a day that isn't even bad?"

"Oh god are you going to lecture me too, Ume." Yusuke stops, causing her to bump into his chest as he turned to her. "I was just waiting for this since everyone is getting on my ass today and I might as well add one more person to that list."

"Lecture you? You mean all though people that were telling you the truth well except that mean teacher but everyone else was just talking to you about how stupid it is for you to skip school."

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