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My feet feel heavy as I drag myself away from the dark figure. I've been running in the forest for over an hour, tripping and stumbling past branches, leaf's and rocks.

The dark figure catches up to me making my chest tighten. I try to yell but my lips are stuck together.

"Harry!" I try to yell but fail.

He's watching me, a sad expression on his face. But he leaves me there. Doesn't help me up. "Im sorry," he mouths to me.

My eyes flicker with tears when suddenly the dark figure grabs a hold of me dragging me as far away as it can from Harry.

"Ahhhh" I let out a loud screech waking myself up. I look around the room noticing nothing has changed. The clock flashes 4am on it before shutting its led off.

Niall and Harry have been gone for a few weeks. Ever since they left I've been having a reoccurring nightmare. A dark figure is trying to kill me. Harrys always there too. The first few days he would try to save me, but after a while, he just lets the figure take me.

Every now and then I'll get a call from Niall, he asks how I'm doing. What I've had to eat. Do I need anything. He's like a parent to be honest. A scary parent though.

My thoughts are pulled away when my phone rings, I look hoping Harrys name popped up but like usual, it was Niall.

"Hey kid, another nightmare?" Niall asks worry written in his tone.

I look up at the ring camera in the corner of the room and softly nod my head. "I'm sorry kid."

"das okay," I mumble still half asleep.

"how are you guys?"

Niall hesitates for a second, a ruffling noice comes from his side. He's moving away from Harry.

"He's worried, but says he thinks he should stay away." Niall whispers.

"that's good, it's better this way." My words break making Niall sigh.

"You gunna tell me why you suddenly want nothing to do with Harry?" Niall try's to pry.

I sit debating weather I should lie or not. Again, I look at the camera and sign at Niall.

"He's not next to me kid." Niall laughs.

"Has he seen her?" My voice sounds shaky as I ask.

I could hear Niall's breathing and body stiffen from my question. "He has not." Nialls reply was quick and simple.

Although I have no idea who "she" is I still can't explain how much the idea of her hurt my chest.

I'm content with Niall's answer but I'm fully aware how inevitable his interaction with others are. And who am I? A random girl who was at the wrong place wrong time? Yes.

"Somehow I feel he'd be in a happier mood if you were here,"

I open my lips to respond when Harrys voice mumbles in the background. "It's time Niall."

"Kid, it looks like it's time for me to scadattle." Niall voice sounds smiley.

I sit silent as Harrys groans in the background. One second his super affectionate, now, the sound of my voice annoyed him?

Taking in a breath I release while the anxiety starts to build. "you okay?" Harry asks catching me off guard.

Not wanting to verbally answer I give a nod towards the camera. "good,"

"He watches you every night making sure you're okay. His moods always weird after you have nightmares." Niall voice sounds likes he's away from the phone.

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