Thanksgiving Special

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✨: So, who's ready to say what they're thankful for! It's Thanksgiving!

🦂:Ooo that sounds fun!

✨: Yup! I decided we should start now. My mom used to have us say what we were thankful for in the morning, but sense we won't be together until dinner time, we should just do it over text!

💘: Well, I for one am thankful for my wonder wife

✨: I'm thankful for She-Ra!


✨: And my wonderful husband of course! I'm just really thankful for so many things. Heh.

🌺: I am also thankful for so many things. Like plants, tea, and all of my wonderful friends!

🦂: I am also thankful for all of you guys! Hugs for everyone!

Dark Shadow: I'm grateful for my magic and daisies.

🌺: That's sweet.

🗽: Well, I'm grateful for the end of the war

🔥🛶: I'm grateful for my Mermista dear!

Sea-Ra: I'm grateful for She-Ra's hot form.

🔥🛶: And mine?

Sea-Ra: Sure

🔥🛶: Yay!

😼:I'm grateful for cake

Hair extensions: I'm grateful for science and tiny foods!

Mistake: I'm grateful to have gotten rid of horde prime.

😉:I'm grateful for Entrapta!

Toga: I'm grateful for Anime and theater.

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