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✨:Help! We have a problem!

Dark Shadow: What is it?

✨:Oh, I forgot you existed.

💘:It's awful!

🗽:What do you guys need help with?

💘:So we were talking to the person who's going to help us prepare for the wedding.

✨:So we told him we wanted some Bi and Pan flags around the room.

😼:Why are you guys planning that now? The wedding is in six months.

✨:It needs to be prefect! We need to plan things now! So it's perfect for when the day arrives!

💘:But he just looked at us weirdly when we said that. He then said "Why?"

✨:And we were like, Our wedding will be in June and we want to show our sexuality at the wedding because why not.

💘:Then he said, "But you're straight." Not even as a question!

✨:And we were like, No! We're Bi and Pan.

💘:Then he said, "But you're a man and a women, not two men or two women, so you're straight."

✨:I wanted to kill him. We both like men, women, nonbinary, ect. We just so happen to be different genders! It's fine! We can still have our flags at our wedding!

Issues: Kill him.

Curly Fries: Fire him

Toga: Let's combine the two ideas and set his house on fire while having him tied up. He'll die by fire.

✨:Uh, I think we'll just fire him.

🗽:Good idea.

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