-Chapter 2-

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You were woken up by your mother shaking you awake. You were dazed and confused making random noises hoping to understand what was happening. After you forced some of the sleep away you realized that your little mother was pestering you about school yesterday.

"What time is it," you asked only 1/12 awake.

"It's 5 am my love," she said with a big smile on her face, "I'm going to be home late again so I can't ask about your day."

You groaned but then started to tell her. You told her that you made some friends and that class wasn't too hard then almost fell asleep instantly. Your mom kissed your forehead and let you sleep until your alarm went off.

>time skip to school<

You walk into class still a little bit tired but as soon as you see Ami you get a little bit more energy. You two greet each other and started talking about all sorts of things. Ami was telling you how she used to play as a setter. She is around 5'6 (167 cm) and hasn't grown much over the past few years. Suddenly a loud redhead came into the classroom. 

"SHORTY!!" He shouted at you.

"Oh my god it's the ginger," you replied. "Ami this is tendou, tendou this is Ami."

"Nice to meet you, Ami!" He said

"Um hi there," Ami said shyly.  

Tendou just smiled and walked to his seat. 

"Hey, are you alright? I hope he didn't scare you," you told her laughing.

"He did. Have you not heard about him? Apparently he like sings to himself and has a weird song about breaking something? I don't know but he's bad news..." she said

"Oh, well he seems sweet. Have you talked to him before?" You asked

"No, that was our first interaction." She said.

"Well I don't like believing in rumors and I mean he seems nice." You told her.

"Who knows maybe he is. He just scares me. And isn't he like 6'2?? He's so tall!" She whined

You just laughed and assured her that he seems fine. She reluctantly agreed still mumbling something like "I wish I had some of that height. I mean spare some for the rest of us."

The rest of the school day seemed to go by fast. You went home and finished all of your studies. It was around 4 o'clock so you decided to go to a nearby recreational center to practice for tryouts. You dressed in black spandex, a white practice shirt, and put your hair in two French braids. You put on some sweats and a sweatshirt and blue crocs. You grabbed your volleyball, put it in your backpack, and started walking to the rec center.

When you got there you put on your knee pads and shoes and started to stretch. After you started to set against the wall 100 times to warm up your wrists. Then you passed to yourself and hit it at the wall and did this continuously until you got bored. You decided you were warm so you started practicing your jump serves.

You did your routine of hitting it on the floor three times then spun it in your hand. You put your arm out in front of you and threw the ball up in the air. Simultaneously you stepped your left foot forward and jumped up hitting the ball at its peak. The ball flew foreword and shook in the air then dropped right before the end line doing a spin.


You turned around to see a boy with bright orange hair and wide eyes and a big smile staring at you.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" he said running up to you.

"Oh uh hi? Um, practice?" You said a little confused because you didn't know who this child was.


"I don't even know your name but I don't see why not," you told the tangerine.

"Oh my name is Hinata Shoyo! First-year at Karasuno High." He said proudly.

"Nice to meet you Hinata. I'm l/n y/n third at Shiratorizawa. Feel free to call me y/n." You told him smiling.

"OH MY GOSH IM SO SORRY," he said bowing at a 90-degree angle.

"Oh no no it's fine!"  You said waving your hands frantically 

"But can you please teach me your amazing serve l/n? He said with starry eyes

"Y/n is fine Hinata but I'd be happy to," You told him.

You spent the next 30 minutes or so helping Hinata adjust his serve. They were barely making it over the net. He kept dropping his elbow down so he was pushing the serve up instead of reaching it at the highest point. You decided not to teach him how to do the jump float because he can barely get a standing float. He was devastated but quickly recovered when he realized you were still helping him.

After he was improving the two of you played a 1 on 1 short-court scrimmage. The outlines were the two sidelines and the 10-foot line. You had three touches to get it over. You were mainly tipping because you have a little bit of trouble setting it to yourself to get a good enough hit. Hinata however was trying to set himself and spike it but they kept going out. You two decided to set for each other to work on your hits.

You asked Hinata how he liked his sets and apologized since you aren't a setter. He said it was fine and just make them high. You set it relatively high thinking you set it too high but Hinata jumped so high and spiked it down. Your mouth was left agape and you were shocked, to say the least.

"HINATA. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU COULD DO THAT?" You asked him excitedly.

"I'VE BEEN WORKING ON THAT FOR A WHILE! I really want to be like karasunos tiny giant," he said with wide eyes.

"Well I definitely think you can," you said folding your hands out for a low five. He slaps your hands and the two of you get back to hitting. You continue to hype him and his hits up boosting his confidence. He then offers to set for you and you agree.

Being short you had to work hard to get your jump as high as it is now. You might not be able to jump 4 feet into the air but it's still impressive for someone of your stature.

"A little off," you said referring to your set. Hinata nodded and set a pretty good one. As soon as the ball left his hands you started your approach. Left, right, left, and jumped up as soon as your left foot touched the ground. Your body was still facing Hinata and as soon as you touched the ball your body torked to the left with your arm swinging in that direction. You spiked it down the line and Hinata was in shock.

"Y/N! and I thought my hits were crazy THAT WAS INSANE. HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" He asked with his mind running a mile a minute.

"Hinata your hits are much better, that wasn't much but thank you," you said happily 


You just laughed it off. Your hits aren't even as impressive as your saves. You have a promise to yourself that you can get every ball no matter where it is. If you can't then you just have to work harder.

The two of you continued setting each other then decided you both should go home. Hinata asked if you could come again tomorrow for some extra practice and you agreed. The two of you exchanged numbers and agreed to meet there at 4.

It was already dark when you started walking home and realized it was 7 o'clock. Most people would be tired after 3 hours of volleyball but for you, it was more fun than exhausting. You showered and decided to play Minecraft so you could get a little bit tired. You were playing on your server when you were getting a little bit tired. You checked the time again and it was 11:32. Deciding to be a good child and at least try and fix your sleep schedule you were going to go to bed.

Your dreams were filled with tangerines, volleyball, and once again, chocolate?


Hope you enjoyed it!

I actually play volleyball but there is always a possibility I mix something up so lmk! 

The height difference sucks! (tendou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now