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You wake up on a cold Tuesday morning to the loud chant of your alarm. You always hated it considering it's dragging you away from your peaceful slumber into the real world. Your phone read "6:15 am," time to go get ready. You brushed your teeth and your h/c hair and draped your fukurōdani uniform over yourself. Your eyes and body were still begging for sleep but you knew you couldn't be late. If you got one more detention you would be kicked off the volleyball team. You were their best libero and only in your second year. That is your greatest accomplishment besides being on TV that one time because your parents thought you got kidnapped. My, you were a weird child. Not much has changed though. You grew around an inch and a half so that's good right?

Due to your height, you always had to work extra hard at volleyball. You would be picked last in scrimmages because people don't want to play with someone who is built like a toddler. But you have been able to prove everyone wrong with your insane saves, serves, and jumps. Despite being vertically challenged you always manage to get your hands over the net. Yes, your friends bully you and use you as a coat rack or an armrest, but they know you can ace them with your serves and return any of their hits. Every time your best friend Bokuto sees you do an insane dive he goes crazy and almost starts flying because he jumps so much. He and Akaashi are your support system, biggest cheerleaders, and best friends.

Little did you know that soon you would be leaving behind those you love and changing schools. You walked to school as if it was a normal day. You spoke with Bokuto and Akaashi before class and then walked with Bokuto towards your class. You two were practically yelling talking about what you should eat for lunch. He wanted Yakiniku but you wanted f/f. It almost escalated further when he so rudely insulted your f/f but your teacher started class.

The day went by pretty fast so you were home before you knew it. You went straight up to your room and took a nap. Usually, you had more energy but last night you were up late playing Minecraft on your server. You slept for about an hour before you woke up again wanting food. You got some of f/f because Bokuto was being stubborn at lunch so you got Yakiniku. After you finished you started on your homework. You were about halfway through when you heard your parents come home.

Both of them had pretty high positions in the government so they weren't home too much. Your mom is a short lady just barely reaching 5'1 and your dad is around 5'9 so you get why you were "cursed" with your height. You went downstairs to greet them mainly because you didn't feel like doing your math homework. When you saw them they didn't seem like their usual selves. You knew something was up then your mom just shattered your world. She told you that you and your family have to move to Sendai because of their work. You almost started crying on the spot but held it in because you don't enjoy it.

It took about a week for it to resonate with you and once it did it felt like someone threw a bag of bricks at your gut. You were able to finish the rest of your year but had to transfer to shiratorizawa for the next. When you told Bokuto and Akaashi they were heartbroken. Bokuto started bawling his eyes out while you and Akaashi were hugging him so he would feel better. The three of you eventually accepted it even though your hearts ached at the thought of it. Before you knew it your second year had ended and you would have to start fresh at Shiratorizawa. What could go wrong?


Sorry, it was short but it's just the prologue so that's okay... I hope
Anyways lmk what you think so far and keep reading? Maybe? Please?
Thanks for reading this!! If anyone does lol


y/n- Your name

l/n- Last name

f/f- favorite food

The height difference sucks! (tendou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now