Chapter 3: Chihayaburu

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Stone steps tapped with the friction of their shoes, only the howling breeze and echoing crickets could be heard around while the sky was already an evident tint of strong orange- the time of dusk. Each step upwards the stairs of rock lay floret, comparable to the luminescent fireflies.

He didn't really know what to react to this, being with only her in such a scene. Should he be amazed by these flowers he had not seen so usual? Or should he be amazed by how, beautiful she blended in such a venue? Nevertheless, it seems it was a fine choice to accept her offer.

The place was adorned with golden primrose, and as the sky would turn dark- give off a mellow glow. Flowers slowly lit the staircase, it was like a scene from some fairy tale.

"These are, quite interesting flowers." Commenting on the flowers which his bandanged right hand touched gently, its glowing petals that seem to be radiating the sun.

"They really are. I just stumbled upon here during one of my journeys, yet I'm happy you find it an interesting place too." Lumine replied with a gentle tone, caressing a petal of seemingly ephemeral glow. "During the night, they just light up like lanterns."

She had such a sincere smile as she hold onto those flowers, one couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking about. But how she spoke about such, it seems like this was a favorite place of hers.

"It just, reminds me of my brother too. Similar to the flowers in our hometown, I want to give a bouquet of these to him too. But I can't even go with home, I can't even be by his side, he left me."

"Alike the yellow of gingko leaves, only to wither and fall. Our bond has become." She sighed, yet realized a bit late that she had spilled out her thoughts, suddenly apologizing due to saying those out of the blue.

"Ah, I'm sorry for talking too much about that!"

Words of hers honestly gave him a concern, for a reason unknown. But it seems, he was similar to her. He too can't give anything to someone close, ever again although her reasons seem to be different. Nevertheless being left alone, yet yearning to give and spend time still, hurts the most, he understood that.

"It's okay." Kazuha gave her a smile, sitting down on the staircase, with a single flower in hand that he picked up. Honestly he felt like he wanted to be with her more and ease her pain due to this but what could he even do? And wouldn't that be attaching himself to her too much, when he had already done so enough? Her brother, he could not replace such a person either.

"Sometimes, things just go wrong. Although surely it's all for a reason, it cannot be helped- but it will bring something good as well."

"I'm sure, that your brother will come back to you, one day." Giving a reassuring smile as he said those words, yet Lumine could feel a hint of sadness in his voice. He surely had a tale to tell, as well.

"Shall we go for a walk then?"


They'd continue the pathway, as the traveler would keep the bunch of flowers she picked within her bag. The scene during the nighttime was rather easing, under the beautiful moon, basking in the moonlight. Perhaps this was why he was urged to open up, even a bit- to her, to trust her with his feelings.

"I too, miss my home." Stated the white-haired lad, crimson specters focused on the way. A different land, different places, only wandering about. "Desired to give someone companionship but lost him in the end, without being able to do anything." He continued, as golden orbs would continue to stare at him intently, listening to what he had to say.

"What point would have there been if I had return when he'll not be there?" A sadness evident in his eyes as he put a clutched hand on his chest. It were what he really felt, he could not go home, even if he missed it. He could not face his "friend" once he did. Was there a way?

"So, I understand."
To which she would nod at, with a sad look on her face. She hasn't lost Aether, not yet, and still had a chance, she could still do something about it but it seemed that Kazuha ultimately decided to not go home, to always be alone as things that have happened and those that have been lost couldn't be reversed no matter whatever is done.

The blonde haired female would have loved to help but she couldn't probably do anything to do so. And it may hurt even more, had she grew even more attached to him, once she actually had to go- to travel farther away. It wouldn't cause anything good if she would try. Her response could only be a reaction, the empathy reflecting in her orbs as she glanced at his facade so tenderly.

"I hope that, one day, you will be able to go home as well."

"I hope I could see it too, one day, as a traveler."

He'd ponder for a while, he didn't know what to say to that she said. Though he did know she meant that she would go one day. A part of him regrets everything in that place, yet a part also of him wants to accompany her. He wasn't so sure. Two of his feelings were clashing, that strange longing he felt and that lingering anguish that wouldn't be eased. It was conflicting, everything from when he met this girl.

"..." Handing over a maple leaf to the maiden, despite his hesitations, and that he was unsure if he would even keep these words- he forced himself to say it, she may be a way- for him to accept everything.

"Then, once the next maple leaves turn red. We can, go there."

"Keep this leaf as a keepsake, thus our promise is then made."

Even when he didn't know how to face his late friend, even when he wasn't even aware of why he was saying these to her. Kazuha made a promise with Lumine during that inclement nightfall.

Chihayaburu: Tells about the slowly developing attachment the two have to one another.

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