Chapter 2: Autumnal Hue

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Chatter of people filled the sounds of the streets, stands selling various things, food, delicacies, ingredients, precious stones, books and bread. Such a sight was refreshing yet unfamiliar to see at first look. Liyue was quite different from Inazuma, not alike his hometown at all- no cherry blossoms nor maple trees would be of reach, no serenity would surround the atmosphere- instead replaced with the voices of many.

It had been quite a while that Kazuha stayed at Liyue, yet a wanderer must not stay constant in one place- of course he longed to venture again. "Where should I go today, I wonder?" He'd question himself, there were various sights to see, even just in the area of Liyue. There's the large ancient tree in Nantianmen, the enticing scene of gingko trees around Guili Plains, the view on top of Qingyun Peak, yet honestly he felt he just wanted to see her- such a difficult thought. They were with each other the other day during the Lantern Festival, he feels that he shouldn't bother her at this time to journey- he has always ventured alone too, so it surely isn't a big deal.

Leaning unto the large bridge of Liyue Harbour, he'd ponder, staring at the clear water- showing a clear reflection of the face he'd wear, longing and confusion of what he actually desired.

"Perhaps, I should get some fresh air under the shade of a gingko tree." He needed some time to fix whatever was in his mind, gingko trees were also rather comfortable to view, maybe because it was similar to the red maple leaves that fall in autumn- orange and yellow gingko leaves swiftly falling down on the surface of autumn as well.

Yet when he decided on so, a certain someone would just come to view- crossing the streets of Liyue. He didn't know what to feel about that, as if fate was playing with him or trying to tell him something, either of those two. Lumine with her joyous face, chatting with the shop owners- I guess it was certain to see her around, she was helping around Liyue after all.

By her presence, he seemed to feel something stir- as if he was happy she was there and that he saw her and he knew he shouldn't bother yet he somehow wanted to. As if the companionship he'd only ever long for was her's.

"Lu-" Subconsciously he'd try to call out for her, a hand trying to reach yet stop himself although those amber specters already locked themselves unto his figure. She couldn't help but notice him from a distance after all. For her, he was quite interesting- his aura was different from the rest, she knew she shouldn't be attached to anyone but she can't help but notice him, and want to know even just a bit more about him.

"Kazuha? Good morning." She greeted the lad, waving her hand. He seemed perplexed, she'd wonder what was wrong but felt that she probably shouldn't pry too much on his matters- nevertheless she actually wanted to know what seemed to bother the boy.

"Ah, good morning." He'd greet back, but with an awkward smile upon his face before he'd adjust to give a natural one. He didn't want to disturb her with how he felt after all, nor would it be fine to just suddenly spill his confusions in front of her. "Are you heading off to somewhere?" Getting off just one mere question from his mind, she seemed eager to go someplace as well- by the look of her eyes.

She didn't know how he knew, but she did in fact want to go somewhere. In Qingyun Peak, along the orange glowing flowers that she planned to make a bouquet of, and perhaps along the places of gingko trees- the yellow tint reminding her of what was home, with him, her brother- although the priority was those flowers. "I do plan to pick some flowers and leaves." Lumine beamed in response to the white-haired lad's question, "Would you like to come with me?" An invitation she'd give which she wasn't really sure of why either, but that made Kazuha awestruck and silent in place, maybe it was wrong for her to ask? She didn't know.

"Oh, but you're free to reject if you'd not want to"

"It's- not that." A comment he'd make after a while of silence, he really did want to go with her but he was hoping he was or would not be in the way of anything she would want to do. He didn't need to be included in her flower-picking, nor would he know what to do but maybe to watch her? He wasn't certain if he could help or anything else yet he'd decide anyway. It was a rare chance to do so, seeing it through might be better than pushing her away. "I'll, go. With you"

Autumnal Hue: Represents the currently growing connection between Kazuha and Lumine.

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