Chapter 1: Leaves in the Wind

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Lanterns lit up the ether, giving off such a strong radiance inside the dark night. The illumination of these lights were mesmerizing to watch, as if it reels you in to think it were the stars upclose. If only there were a certain friend able to see it with him.

Faintly smiling at the sight yet forlorn eyes don't lie, he could only hope that person had become in peace.

"Aren't they nice?" Sitting down beside him, on the top part of the fleet, where the cold air blew as the heat of the lanterns radiated, were a blonde maiden. Eyes smiling as she asked that question.

"They are, truly a wonderful scene." He replied to her question and could only smile back at the traveler who continued staring up at the illuminated skies. Yet wondered why she would choose to be spending this time with him, when he were aware she had other duties to attend to as a "hero" of nations although perhaps he shouldn't question.

On the sky was a warm glow, on the ship, the comfortable silence of people as they admired the view as well. It wasn't anything bad, he just felt a bit lonely- and Lumine went out her way to stay beside him for a bit, surely he couldn't decline such a thing.

He always told himself, to not be attached to anyone yet again, to only stay as what he really is- a mere ronin, a wanderer across lands, with no name to hold. Yet Kazuha just couldn't shrug Lumine off- after all, she seemed like she was a light to clear the way inside the most dim night. Other than trying to push her away, it seems he were being dragged towards the girl, it was just the kind of energy she holds.

"Would you like a lantern, too?" She asked yet again, breaking the silence as he looked away- did he seem like he was staring too much while pondering about her? He'd hope it wasn't the case, as it would surely cause confusions.

She was someone with the aura of stars, seemingly so far away, in the galaxy, thousand of miles away yet she was here, with him. It just felt a bit out of place, although welcome at the same time. And there was nothing to it than just that.

"Ah, you didn't need to make one for me." In response to her question, Kazuha awkwardly laughed yet smiled as she handed the lad the lantern anyway, regardless of his answer- "yet thank you, for doing so."

He thought that, companionship would be a bad thing to have once again. To be too attached to someone, to not be able to let them go even if they were gone, only causing one's self pain that couldn't be healed. Would his friend forgive him too? For that grief to just, suddenly- slowly but surely fade away in her presence?

Kazuha wants to see this scene with his late friend, a lot but why did he like it too? With her? Even when he was so sure his heart didn't long for any company once more, it was confusing.

"It's nothing, don't worry." Her smile that didn't waver, keeping everything all in, keeping herself composed even when she had actually wanted to see someone else, to be with that person in viewing such a sight as well was probably why they wouldn't mind such company with each other at this time. On an illuminated night, in a festival of Liyue. On a silent ship, with just them beside each other.

Leaves in the Wind: This symbolizes how Kazuha met the Traveler through hearing the leaves that flew from the wind.

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