CHAPTER-12 Tricked

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Kim paced the room, feeling restless. She had no idea what time it was or how much time had passed since she had been brought here, here meaning wherever she was being held captive.

From the one locked window in the room, she could see the sky turning a delicate pink. She guessed it was evening, maybe anything between 5:30 to 6 pm. But that was her best guess. She didn’t know for sure.

Her mind kept going to the photo clicking event. Why had he done that? What did he need it for?

Not he, they. They, whoever they were, needed her picture. Maybe they needed her picture to confirm they had the right person.

Or not, a hopeful voice whispered in her head.

No. Kim shook her head. She was the one they had wanted because if it had been otherwise, something would have happened by now, something to indicate that she wasn’t the one.

Something…like her death, a pessimistic voice whispered in her head.

Kim shivered. Her death. A week ago the thought of her death would have never even occurred to her and now here she was, contemplating it at every turn.

But she had seen her captor’s face, his real face. The only way this couldn’t be his real face was if he had a face transplant before he kidnapped her and would revert to his old face after he finished this job.


Kim stopped pacing and sat down on the bed, facing the door. He had given her some food and water earlier that day. Initially she had been a bit apprehensive. What if he had drugged it? She had no intention of being drugged, of being weak and vulnerable in a situation like this.

She had come across this case study which had been discussed in one of her lectures in Harvard. It was about this teenaged girl, a minor who had been kidnapped by this young guy in his early 20’s. The guy kept her drugged all the time and did unspeakable things to her.

The girl had no clear recollection of what had happened or who was responsible. At the time of the testimony, she couldn’t even recall his face. The guy would have walked had it not been for forensic evidence.

Kim did not even want to recall the graphic details of the injuries the girl had sustained or the vivid photographs she had seen.

Kim couldn’t decide what was worse; remembering everything or not being able to recall and spending a lifetime trying to put the pieces together, if or whenever the pieces surfaced because Kim doubted that the unconscious mind ever forgot.

Earlier her captor had simply walked in, sat the food tray on the table and left without a word or a backward glance. Kim needed her strength or how else would she fight back so she had decided to take a chance with the food.

It looked like it was a good decision. She felt stronger and her head was clear. The effect of the drugs seemed to have worn off. Her appetite was returning and she was feeling hungry. Right on cue, Kim heard footsteps on the stairs and a minute later, the door flew open.

He stood in the doorway, another tray in his hand. His eyes flickered towards the empty tray on the table and he sneered.

“Well…well. Did our Princess enjoy the gourmet meal?”

Kim stared at him. What had happened to the silent treatment?

“Did you enjoy serving it to me?,” Kim retorted, stressing on the word ‘serving’.

With this one sentence, she had reduced his status from dangerous captor to a mere servant who was there at her beck and call. And this was exactly what she had meant to say. She couldn’t help herself.

The smile on his face vanished. He walked towards her, set the tray down in front of her on the bed and sat down on the bed himself as well. He then brought his face close to hers and whispered in her ear “Careful Princess

He then immediately pulled back, picked a sandwich of the tray and raised it to her mouth.

Well this was new, Kim thought taken aback. She was expecting him to leave. She hadn’t expected this, not in a million years, especially after the ‘serving’ comment. The guy had a big ego. This behaviour did not fit his profile neither did it compliment his earlier behaviour when he had left the food without a backward glance.

A strong suspicion reared its head in Kim’s mind. When several minutes had passed and she still hadn’t opened her mouth to eat the sandwich he had offered, he put it down on the tray but not fast enough because Kim noticed the slight hesitation right before he put the food back.

“As you wish,” he said and got up.

He walked slowly towards the door. This was another change that Kim observed from his behaviour from last time. Just as he opened the door, Kim caught him watching her and her suspicions were confirmed. There WAS something wrong with the food.

No way in hell was she eating it. But she couldn’t let him know she was on to him so she put on a show of casually picking up the sandwich, opening it and picking the filling.

She took her time with the filling and to make her act seem more realistic, she discarded a tomato from the filling acting as if she was very picky with her sandwich and then touched the sandwich to her mouth.

She never looked up but she could feel his eyes on her the whole time it took for him to shut the door. It was only when she heard the click of the door that she hastily put the sandwich down and wiped her mouth.

Kim was sure he had drugged the food but why? She was so going to find out.

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