Chapter 20

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As the exams neared closer, the Genin were training as hard as ever, no exceptions. So far so good, no one noticed the three extra guests who were in the village for these past weeks. They were getting their asses kicked, literally.

Naruto signed a summon contract, he summons toads now. Sasuke was still practising with A on lightning style techniques, he had mastered the Chidori, a creation of Kakashi. Sakura was progressing fast and she wasn't taking anyone's crap. She's mastered many healing techniques that are a few of the hardest techniques. She was trying her best with the physical part, keeping up with a Sage isn't easy at all but she's holding her ground well for a 12-year-old.

They haven't been spending much time with each other excluding the occasional 3 AM food run-ins at their kitchen. They were all progressing in a very quick-paced manner. One night after they all had passed out earlier that day, they woke up past midnight to grab something to eat and ran into each other. Sasuke was still cranky but he still had to eat: "Guys, I'm starving my ass off. This fridge is emptier than Ke's closet!" Sakura groaned, she was hangry: "That says a lot. Is it that empty?!" Naruto said his eyes wide. He looked around and saw them both staring at him with pleading eyes: "Please?" they both said. The blonde rolled his eyes: "Hai, hai, I'll cook." he huffed and opened the fridge and started to grab some meat and veggies. He opted to make some beef dumplings,  udon noodles, onigiri and to top it off tomato soup: "Your parents were amazing cooks, your mother's ramen was a masterpiece." Kakashi's voice said from the doorway: "I thought I smelt something good in here." he added walking into the kitchen: "I knew you weren't asleep, no one can resist my cooking." Naruto puffed his chest out as everybody laughed.

With some help from the other three, the feast was ready. They all sat down and started to devour the meal Naruto had made them: "Dude, I'm so jealous of Hinata." Sasuke said as he ate his sixth bowl of tomato soup. Kakashi choked on his dumplings: "I don't know how you manage to sneak the food into your mouth without removing your mask." Sakura said chuckling a little bit as Kashi snuck another dumpling into his mouth: 'This is so good." He said grabbing a hefty sum piling, them onto his plate and dashing up to his room: " A man has to eat!" they all laughed and continued their food.

After that feast last night, they woke up energized. Today was the day they'd be officially a part of the Chunin exams, which are a week from now. Not gonna lie, the nerves are kicking in. Ninja from all over the Land of Fire are coming along to compete in the ultimate test and get upgraded into their second stage of being a shinobi. Some of the strongest, and most feared people will be walking the streets of Konoha.

Sakura had a bad feeling about this but she wasn't gonna kill the mood, nor was she gonna back out. This huge sum of shinobi from different Hidden villages gathered in one place could mean many various things, good or bad. "Ra, spit it out instead of worrying yourself to pieces." Kakashi told his student:" I don't know, I don't want to kill the mood. I'm sure everything will be fine, I'm just paranoid." She said trying to wave him off:" Okay, now I need to know." Naruto chimed in:" I just have a weird feeling about this, that huge amount of ninjas from all over the Land of Fire could result in many different scenarios." She said, trying to word it neutrally. She said what they all were thinking:" You've got to keep your eyes open, no one can be trusted, especially now." Kakashi said as he stuck his hands in his pockets:" I handed your forms to the board earlier today. Talk to your people and make sure you're ready, you don't know how this can end." He added as he continued walking down the street with his students in tow.

Sakura felt relieved that she wasn't the only one thinking about that situation. They have to be on their toes so they don't get tricked and fall into the trap.

Today was the day that most of the visitors would start piling in. The Genin of Konoha were given a role, if they see someone who seems very out of place or someone who's oddly suspicious, they have the right to ask to see the participation badge that would indicate the reason for them being in Konoha.

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