MxW : Immortals

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I am the force which was created to maintain all creations

To nourish and oversee till every creation met it's end

I pull the strings after they've been formed by my predecessor till they'll be burned by my successor

We three exist together but came to be as needed by the Unique Power which caused all

I understand everything, I know everyone and I see their  approaching end

But the one I don't understand, know and see is her

It was a new planet, a race similar to our form but not our match for they were given something we could only imagine about - mortality, with capacity exceeding ours for they could become us if they wanted it.

I couldn't help but smile at the Unique Power's sense of humor. For none other than us four knew this race was made from droplets of our forces.

Every decision, experience and thought they had was ours. We'd given them a field to play and depending on how they wanted they could play for long or quickly return to us, unconsciously.

But since they were our form they soon made out the secrets beyond their reach. With realisations came the strength to summon us and wield their will to establish who was the better.

I could foresee soon all three of us would have to enter the game and experience what this race had begun to take for granted.

I was yet to meet her in the flesh

She is the molecules which surround my very being

I have felt her the moment I opened my eyes

My balance

My in

My out

Her presence cocoons me and every moment am strung between the bliss of being with her and the agony without

She is the fuel that powers my strength

My brothers don't know this or wouldn't ask the Unique Power but I know our other halves came into being before us. I can't sense the when or why but I know she's been waiting for me. It's like out of all the knowledge, strength and power she's accumulated she's used half of it to shield me.

I don't need it and I am sure she knows this. It feels like she didn't want me to be lonely till we met and so she projected her being around me.

How has she been without me for so long

We are not to feel but everytime I ache for her the shield hums around me trying to soothe the pain

If I were one of the new race, I would've chased the corners of the existence to find her

She is what helps me set everything right

Just like me she has many names

What unsettles me is the fact that the new race knows of her as their Queen, my half.

They forget their place and desire her like I do. It's the only time I don't like their strength and will even though they're my alternate forms.

She's mine and mine only

The immortal part of me should be magnanimous for am sure droplets of her form are in their world too but they seek her pure whole form like me

I wish to surround her like she coats me

Want to please her for eternity

Crave possessing her like she owns my ether

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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