GxB : Pure

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Education. Career. Marriage. Kids. Cheating, separation or Death is how the society defined lining your ducks but that wasn't the case for Matthew and Sarah.

Born and brought up in a town with a population of less than 3217 checked two years ago and with an even more forgetful name, making it big meant being employed at the timber factory or the local sheriff.

If you even dreamt of changing so-called plans, every nosy elder in the households within the 5 mile-radius took it upon themselves to guide you but when fate intervenes it marks your path.

"Hey Matthew!!" The reticent, spectacled Sarah Peters walked up to the lean, nerd Matthew Jenkins trailed by her friends who'd nudged her forward.

Watching her shifting from foot to foot, Matthew could make out she was uncomfortable at the very least.

"Hey Sarah!!" Matthew spoke with the ease that you show to a child to coax them to give-up their secret. Little did he know, the unavoidable husk of his voice was adding fuel to an existing fire.

"Mmm, I don't think I'll be able to pass Calculus this semester!!" Sarah blurted out.

"Why not?" Matthew asked tilting his head in surprise since she was one of the brightest.

'Cause that's the only class we share, sitting behind you is distracting and your shoulder blades stir up images making calculus redundant.

Usually Sarah was very forthright but she couldn't share these reasons now could she.

Squirming under Matthew's tawny-eyed gaze, Sarah conceded, "I don't get it."

Could've fooled me, honey!!

Banking the smug smile trying to escape Matthew's face, he responded, "Do you need any help?"

"If it doesn't affect your preps, could you guide me please?" The pair of blue eyes eyed him innocently.

I intend to, alright!!

"Sure!! Meet you at the library after today's classes."

Biting her lower lip to stop the full-blown smile, Sarah gave a quick nod and returned to her waiting friends leaving Matthew hot and bothered.

Now why did you have to do that, sweetheart!!

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Matthew smiled wondering Sarah had done what he'd been planning to do for the past two years now.

A pink, flowy chiffon dress had made him notice how kind puberty had been to Sarah two years ago.

She wasn't the same girl among the twenty-odd bright kids vying for academic recognition at their college.

She was a woman now.

A woman who inspired him to beat the remaining eighteen in proving he was worthy of her attention and consideration.

Watching her squirm was like heavens giving him a glimpse of what she felt for him or more like what he could make her feel.

He intended to tutor her in every way possible.

The librarian gave Matthew a wide smile when he walked in and scanned the library looking for Sarah. "Sarah's at the back near the science section. Close up once you guys are done for the day and deposit the keys at the front office" the ever-kind Mrs. Marshall gave him an early Christmas present.

Walking upto the section, Matthew was able to see Sarah scribbling away solutions to the Advanced Calculus exercise-book open in front of her, twirling the pencil with a pout on her full, inviting lips occassionally.

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