GxG : Big City

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Heart-wrenching sobs from the next room interrupted my rare wet dream. I worked six days a week and Sunday naps were as rare as a unicorn, add a wet dream to it and it was equivalent to Christmas in July for me.

I was even more frustrated because the lead character causing the said dream was sobbing in the room next to mine.

Hold your horses, am not the reason behind it.

Her good-for-nothing cousin, Andy is, who had her recruited as a clerk in the lowest-paying law firm in New York. She's a 5'8" blonde with green eyes and the most gullible character you could ever come across. So timid was her nature that despite me urging to up and leave this nightmare of a job she still stuck to it trying to not cause trouble for cousin dearest.

How did we come across you ask?

After working my way up to financial independence as owner of the leading hair and tattoo salon, the loft felt empty at times hence I'd rent out for one flatmate at a time so I didn't lose my touch with casual human interaction.

Since the last roommate had been a cleptomaniac, I thoroughly vetted before renting this time. And I felt I hit the lottery as stress-cleaning was her thing. She cleaned everything in sight whenever she was unhappy, which was fun to watch initially but not so much now.

Even though I was sure I wouldn't be robbed of my material possessions, this girl was robbing me of my peace and stirring emotions outside of my weekly roll in the hay.

Peeping into her room, as the door was open I found her back turned to me wracking with every sob. A 360 degree scan told me everything except my bed had faced the cleaning tornado but she was still crying.

I gave a brisk knock, walked into her room and sat behind her placing my hand on her shoulder. I ran my palm on her back trying to comfort her like my mom used to comfort us whenever she found us crying. It worked cause her sobs trickled down to sniffles.

I didn't suffer fools gladly but something about her made me feel she wasn't a fool just too damn-forgiving for her own good.

"What did your ass of a boss do know?" I enquired with smug assumption confident of nailing the reason.

Blood-shot green eyes and plump quivering lips turned to me saying, "Promise you won't do anything?!"

Her question turned my mood further south because she knew I had threatened to take matters into my own hand if she came home crying again. And here she was crying. Again.

"Tell me" I tried to sound as nonchalant so she wouldn't hide anything. Some men didn't understand the word "no".

I gasped audibly when she turned to me letting my eyes run over the state of disarray of her clothes, bloody scratch marks marring her alabaster skin below her right earlobe, her waist and deep blue finger marks below her knees.

I swear I saw red then. My blood rarely boiled over to do something reckless but right now I wanted to rip the guys limbs apart and pull his nails one by one for ruining someone so.

She whimpered clasping her hands around my shoulders, "Please don't. It was my fault. I walked into his office without knocking."

My teeth ached with the anger I was trying to contain. Gulping it down, I knew she came first. Cupping her face, I cooed, "Why were you cleaning the house in this condition? You need medical attention. For once in your life think about yourself!!"

"They'd ask questions. I wouldn't know what lie could cover these."

Of course no lie could, unless you said some animal mauled you.

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