The Search Part 2: Sisters Before Everything?

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Ever After Eight


"Did you think you could hide from me?"

The Fire Lord froze, his shoulders hunching up. Slowly, he turned around to face me, eyes wide.

"How did you—"

"Zuko, everyone in this palace knows me well. They know I don't like not to be informed about things concerning you. Now, what is this I heard about you going to look for your mother?"

Zuko sighed, reaching up to adjust his crown. "Ayame."

"Zuko," I pressed.

"I didn't mention it because, well, face it. You'd want to come with me."

"I do want to go!" I said, annoyed suddenly. "Honestly, Zuko, did you think I wouldn't find out? Let me go pack my things—I'm not letting you do this alone."

"Ayame, you can't. You don't understand. I need someone to take care of things while I'm gone."

"You have so many people who work under you. Appoint Chung Ho, he's great at getting people to listen."

Zuko gave me a small smile, running his thumb across my cheek. "I mean, I have Iroh. You know what? You can come, since everyone else is coming too."


Suddenly, I heard a clang.


Suki was walking towards us, follwed by Ty Lee. She had Sokka's boomerang in her hand—well now, on the front of her boot.

"Why does he always leave his things behind?" Suki grumbled. "First that sword of his, now the boomerang . . ." She stopped short, her eyes flicking between us. "Oh."

"I'm glad Suki told me about your plan," I said, narrowing my eyes. Suki gulped.

"Ayame?" someone asked, and suddenly, my mood seemed to lift.

"Uncle?" I spun around, a smile spreading across my face. "It's been a while!" I ran towards Iroh, throwing my arms around his neck. He hugged me back tightly, the scent of lemon and tea leaves coming off him. "How have you been?"

"Wonderful. I've created a new blend of tea, one that everyone seems to go crazy for."

I giggled. "Congratulations. I'll have to try it sometime."

A guard walked in, bowing when he took sight of the Fire Lord. "The Avatar is here." Behind him, Aang entered, followed by Katara and Sokka.

"Suki!" Was the first thing Sokka said, his eyes lighting up. He grabbed her, squeezing as hard as she could. She grinned, I could tell she was enjoying the show of affection, but all the same she pulled back and pressed the boomerang against his chest, knocking the breath out of Sokka.

"Oops," he smiled weakly.

I moved forward to greet Katara, when suddenly her big blue eyes caught something over my shoulder. Her eyes widened more than their usual size, and she whipped a stream of water out of her pack.

"Behind you!"

I heard a laugh, one so familiar it sent chills down my spine. I held back a shudder as I turned, only to feel all the blood draining from my face.

"Zuko, you can't be serious," I murmured as I pressed a hand to his chest to steady myself.

"Oh, he's very serious," the girl said with a smirk, the corner of her blood red lips turning up. Her one short-cut hair had grown back to its normal length, now let down except for the princess crown holding it back on the top of her head. Dark, purplish bags hung under her eyes despite her menacing look. "He wouldn't dare find our dear mummy without her daughter, would he? He doesn't have the guts."

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