14, i don't want your help

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he's not a saint. he knows that well. but sometimes, when things get a little difficult for him, he wonders if god hates him. and unfortunately, it's one of those days.

after the hectic month, there was nothing haitani rindou would like to do other than rest. he's been travelling from japan to several countries and back, with one eye open as he sleeps and two eardrums broken. it's bad enough that he has to deal with the assassination attempts on his life and he had the hardest time in coping with his jet lags, but what's worse is that he has spent most of his time listening (albeit reluctantly) to his brother and sanzu's meaningless conversations.

not even assassins made him feel uncomfortable in his own skin, and yet the two managed to do that without even trying. so if that's not enough to drive him crazy, he doesn't know what will be.

thankfully, when he has resumed working with bonten's domestic affairs, he's not left with much work since you've finished most of it. of course, he'll never admit that he's grateful for your help and he's sure that he never has to, because sanzu already pestered him about it saying how unfair it was that he has a partner who's dealing with work back in japan. but he shouldn't be the one to talk, not when kakucho's basically the CCO who actually does work, while he goes off in the several places of bonten to thrive off amusement.

"so, what are you brooding about?" came sanzu's voice. and my god, rindou could swear that it triggered his fight or flight. nothing good ever comes when you're in the same room with the most talkative and annoying person of bonten, and nothing good ever comes out from sanzu's mouth.

great, just what i needed, rindou internally groans.

the reason why he chose to hole himself up in the executives lounge even when it's lunch break is because he wanted to get a bit of rest. since his flight yesterday, he hasn't slept very well because he has grown accustomed to his light sleeping while they're out in europe. so whenever the slightest thing in his room makes a sound, he's already sitting up and ready to fight even his window curtains. that brought him here, at this time of the day and in one of the safest place in bonten corporation, because the poor man just wanted to sleep.

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