04, as if i'd fall in love

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rindou isn't acknowledging your presence, but he is highly aware of it. the whole day that he stayed at the office, the most notable thing that he did was watch you. not in admiration or as a stalker kind of thing, but more out of curiosity. he was curious about how you were circuited, how you operate yourself because more often than not, he doesn't know what would come out of your mouth. he doesn't know what you think, on anything or on anyone.

that reminds him that he doesn't know you at all, that there really is more than what meets the eye. the thought that maybe he misjudged you and that maybe you weren't made just to be a clumsy co-worker lingered in his mind, but it never stayed. for haitani rindou does not know how to handle mistakes or how to acknowledge one.

the only thing that he's very, very sure of is that he hates you. it's not the petty kind of hate because that's shallow. he doesn't hate you because of the coffee, no, he's far over that (yet he doesn't let it die down and brings it up to you every chance he gets, or every time he doesn't have a witty comeback to your snark remarks). he hates you because you're you. you're y/n.

you're a woman. you're a newbie. you're basically leaching of his title and position, as well as his office - but why must you be so gutsy? why must you be so confident in all areas? to the point where you'd stand up to him every chance you get. to the point that every time he pushes you, you'd push him back even harder. every time he tells you he hates you, you'd tell him you hate him even more. every time he says something that should offend you, it slaps him right back in the face because my god, the insult just doesn't work. none of it works.

maybe what he hates most about you is that he can't dominate you.

talk about being a man. he just can't accept it when a woman demands him to look at her like his equal. can't accept it when he's proven to be wrong. can't accept it when the woman he wants to submit to him isn't budging.

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