Chapter Six

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"That's a pretty necklace Melissa." Victoria said as Melissa sat down at the table across from her.

"Yes. A token from Godric. He gives me anything I want."Melissa laughed as she fingered the necklace. There was bad blood between Melissa and Victoria. So bad that if given a chance Victoria would behead the woman herself or worse.

Victoria could do no true harm to Melissa. She didn't want the massive headache and hell from Godric when he wonders where she is.

"Not everything. Thank heavens."Victoria said as she narrowed her eyes at. Melissa sighed and sucked her teeth.

"What is that supposed to mean?"Melissa said as she placed her elbows on the table and glared at Victoria.

"Interpret it how you want." Victoria said as she finished crocheting.

"Why don't you do that for me?"

"You are not that much of a dimwit. I know you have sense about you."

"Soon Victoria I will be Godric's wife. And you will hold your tongue.You will no longer speak to me so freely as you do." Melissa said as she took a deep sigh and took a long sip of her wine. Victoria made a loud snort.

"You seek to be something you will never be." Victoria giggle out.

"I had such hopes we would be, and could be friends by now."Melissa said with a fake sadness.

"I will never be friends with a scheming whore such as you. I would rather eat a pigs tongue."Victoria said with rage.

"Still mad that I took your husband to bed all those years ago. I see."Melissa said as a smirk appeared on her face.

"Perhaps I am but only by a little. He is dead now. He shouldn't have ate those sweets I made him. More so I am angry that now you have taken your ways and tossed them onto my brother. He might not see the real you but I do. Soon he will rid of you. I will be there when he tosses you out on your arse."

"A day that will never come. Please lets end this stupid quarrel. You will be my sister in law. Whether you like or not. Don't, I have no care what you say for I will have what I want."

"Oh my poor dear that day is not coming. You will not be a wife. For now you are just a body in his bed. It is sad that you fail to recognize that is all you will ever be."Victoria said with a huge smile.

"It worked for your mother."Melissa replied back. 

Victoria stopped everything for a second.  

"That was different. And she is not a twisted sick bitch as you are. I will not let you in this family. If I have to go about in deadly ways to see to it. I will. You were warned,"Victoria said nonchalantly. If she did it once she could do it again.

"Godric wouldn't let harm come to me. So you can make empty threats all you want, Victoria," Melissa said as she spat out Victoria's name.

"I must say you would be wrong. Considering he let that woman beat you. No,wait a minute. She half beat you and dragged your arse across Godric's chambers."

"What little liar told you that? She didn't just so you know. Godric stopped her."Melissa said as got up from the table knocking her wine over on purpose. Getting Victorias items wet.

"Face it your days are numbered."Victoria said as she moved away from the wine running off the sides of the table all thanks to Melissa. She stood up and threw her crochet down on the table." I will make damn sure that they are."

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