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Peter's POV:

I enter my science class, taking my usual seat at the back of the class. Ned sits next to me, as Mr. Harrington starts the class.

Mr. Harrington is one of my favourite teachers. Partially because he teaches my favourite subject, but also because he's one of the teachers who doesn't let Flash talk shit. But he also doesn't favour anyone.

''So, as you all know, next week is career day. This year we're changing things up a bit, so I'm going to ask you to bring a parent or a guardian to school. They're going to talk about their professions.''

I let my head fall on my desk with a bang, attracting Flash's attention. He and his friends start laughing, while Mr. Harrington gives them a disapproving look.

''Who you gonna bring, Parker? Gonna take your pop's tombstone?'' he laughs. My finger flinches towards him, but I handle myself. One of the things that get me really on edge is when he says shit about my parents.

Besides, this day hasn't started well, so I would keep it shut if I were him. Tony had barely slept last night, and it rubbed off on everyone. And Vision's constant questions about what exactly coffee is also didn't help.

I've also lately been thinking about standing up to Flash. I mean, yeah I'm supposed to be a nerd, but then again, something has to be done. I can control myself, and I'm smart enough to not use my full strength.

I just want to give him a little sign to step off. Just to, at least slightly, stop the daily harassment.

''Keep quiet or go to detention. Your choice, Flash.'' Mr. Harrington comes to the rescue. Flash's face falls for a second.

''What? You know I have a point. His folks are dead, how is he supposed to bring them to school?'' Flash asks. I clench my teeth, making my hands into fists. Ned places a hand on my shoulder, in a comforting manner.

''For the record,'' I say, making him look at me ''my parents may be dead, but I don't live in an orphanage.''

''Oh, right.'' he smirks ''Aunt Hottie.''

That was finally enough for me. I aggressively stand up to walk to him. But Ned, who already expected this might happen, jumps up and holds me back. Of course, I could easily brush him off, but I realized I have already done too much.

''I swear to god, shut your fucking hole, or I will do it for you.'' I grunt out, through gritted teeth. He looks annoyed, but I know he's not gonna do anything in front of Mr. Harrington.

''Enough!'' Mr. Harrington yells ''Bring whoever you can. If you're not able to bring anyone, that's fine. You will tell us something about them, yourself.''

After school ends, I don't waste a second to leave. The last thing I want is to run into Flash, after what happened during science class.


I jump into my room through the window, double-tapping my chest to make my suit come off. I strip out of my under armor suit, before grabbing a towel and heading into the bathroom.

After I've taken a quick shower, I slip on a comfortable outfit and leave the room. As I enter the living room, some of the Avengers are scattered around it.

Nat is reading a book on the couch, Steve is cooking dinner in the open kitchen. Bucky is keeping Steve company, as Sam is watching TV.

''Hey, guys. Have you seen Wanda?'' I ask. Their heads pop up at the sound of my voice.

''She's in the gym.'' Nat replies. I thank her, before leaving the room and heading to the gym. I make my way to the room, to see Wanda practicing her magic. She's wearing a pair of leggings and a sports bra, making her look fabulous.

Her hair is tied in a ponytail, as a red mist of magic is covering her hands. Multiple floating objects are covered in the same red mist. I lean against a wall, not helping myself to stare at her.

I watch as she moves her hands and fingers, controlling the beautiful, yet deadly if intentioned magic. My enhanced sight helps me notice small details like the sweat running down her back and forehead.

She soon places the heavy objects back down, walking over to her stuff. She wipes her face with a towel, before taking a long sip of her water.

''Take a picture.'' she turns to look at me with a smile ''It'll last longer.''

''Nah.'' I say, walking over to her ''I'd rather look at you in real life. Makes the beauty a lot more enticing.''

''Flatterer.'' she says, though not being able to hold back her blush. She sets down her water bottle and towel, as I wrap my arms around her waist.

''I'm really sweaty right now.'' she says, as we both chuckle.

''I don't care.'' I simply reply. She looks up into my eyes, making a small smile form on her face. I continue looking at her olive green orbs, as she keeps staring at mine. After a few seconds of silence, she stands on her tiptoes to kiss me.

I gladly return the gesture, tightening my grip around her bare waist. I feel her arms wrap around my neck as I lean my head down. She leans back, as my arm keeps her from falling to the floor. Her hands tangle in my hair, as she jumps to lock her legs around my hips.

Though not expecting the move, I lose my balance. As we fall to the floor, I spin us around to land on my back. She ends up on top of me, as we both burst out laughing.

''My hero.'' she grins, now straddling my waist.

''Gotta be a gentleman.'' I jokingly say. We start to laugh again, as she leans down to rest her head on my chest. I tighten my grip around her waist, as the laughter dies down.

''I love you.'' I say. A smile creeps on her face, as she raises her head to look at me.

''I'm still not used to you, saying that.'' she says. Though I know she means it in a good way.

''I love you, too.'' she states, making butterflies tickle in my stomach at her words. I smile and kiss her nose, as she lays her head back on my chest.

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