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Hello everyone... 

I would like to dish out a few warnings before you all start this book.

I had come up with the idea for this book and started working on it four years back when I was in sixth. And for obvious reasons, this book will have major flaws, and MAJOR needs to be thoroughly edited. But I am publishing this book for all of you to view,  to see if it is worth working on further..... 

I haven't yet completed this book and probably won't anytime soon but I would like to see your reactions to it. 

I appreciate constructive criticism but please do not use that as a license to throw around harsh words. I might not be able to update frequently but I will try my best. And a reminder that these chapters do need to be edited but I don't plan on doing that now so please bear with me.

So without further ado... I present to you all,

Flaming: The Flame rises 

[Note: This book has copyright. Any reproduction of any part of the content is prohibited ] 

Flaming: The Flame RisesWhere stories live. Discover now