Chapter 5-Brit

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*A/N-So here's another chapter! I hope y'all like it. This one's not going to be as long, but please let me know if you guys like it my commenting your opinions, voting and fanning!! Love y'all! <33

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“Wake up, Brittany Nicole Conoway. Now,” my mother’s angry voice in my ear woke me up immediately. I sat up quickly, suddenly overcome with a wave of nausea. Ignoring my mom on the bed, I sprinted to the bathroom, flipped up the lid, and threw up everything that was left in my stomach. 

I felt a hand in my hair, pulling up into a ponytail. When I was finished, my wonderful mother handed me a damp towel, which I pressed to my sweaty forehead. I leaned against the bathtub and flushed the toilet. 

I stared up at my mom through my hazy vision. I had fallen asleep in my contacts, so they were extremely sticky and blurry. “Get up,” she ordered, gripping my upper arm firmly and helping me up. I stumbled to my feet, grasping the bathroom counter for support. 

“What happened?” I croaked, my throat sore for some reason. I couldn’t remember what I had done the night before. Why did I feel so bad? It almost felt like a hangover-

“You were arrested last night for underage drinking. Do you know what this means, Brittany?” my mother growled angrily. Her grip was still tight on my arm.

“What?” I practically screamed, and the acid in my stomach threatened to make an appearance at my mother’s words. I had gotten arrested? Shit, that would go on my permanent record. I silently cursed Kate and James for forcing me to the party. A sly voice in the back of mind whispered, You volunteered. But I ignored it. I couldn’t listen to it now, not with the disappointment of my mother staring me straight in the face.

The blurry, hazy memories rushed back to my brain, making me dizzy. I had had two shots of tequila after making out with James in front of practically the whole high school. Then probably some more beer, but I couldn’t remember much after that. I vaguely remembered seeing Lucas at the party. Fury towards him made my stomach churn. Why hadn’t he taken me home before I was arrested? I guessed after what happened at the school he didn’t care much for me. Besides, why should he care about me? We weren’t really friends. Not in public, at least.

My mother’s defeated sigh brought me back to reality. “Are you even listening to me, Brittany?” 

“Sorry,” I murmured, squinting my eyes to get a better view of her, even though I didn’t want to see the disappointment in her eyes. 

“This is going on your permanent record. A misdemeanor. And we have to pay a fine of $500. Thank God you weren’t driving or it could have been worse,” Mom sighed again, “Why would you do something like this Brittany? Especially at a time like this?” My mom left her questions hang in the air between us. Guilt consumed me like fire. I hadn’t meant to do this to my parents. I knew the severity of David’s cancer. I hadn’t meant to put more stress in their life.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” I whispered, tears burning my already swollen eyes. The contacts were really messing with them. “I didn’t think-”

“That’s right. You didn’t think. I always thought you would think before you did something like this, Brittany, but I guess I was wrong. Take your contacts out and get ready. We’re going over to the Reeds’ house in twenty minutes.” Without waiting for a reply, my mother stormed out of the bathroom. But she didn’t turn away quick enough. I saw the tears in her eyes, the way her skin looked taught and pale.

My fault.

I sank back against the bathtub, my knees going weak. The wet cloth fell from my hands and onto the ground. A headache had begun to form since the moment I woke up, and had finally grown into a raging tornado, threatening to destroy every sane piece of thought in my mind. 

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