Chapter 1: The River's Edge (Part 2)

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                 - - - - RIVERDALE HIGH - - - -  Students of Riverdale high are catching up and mingling in the hallways

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                 - - - - RIVERDALE HIGH - - - -
Students of Riverdale high are catching up and mingling in the hallways. Harry and Gwen have took it upon themselves of showing Peter around the school and catching up on the things that he missed while being in New York.
. .

Harry: So Pete, since you've been gone things have changed.

Gwen: Some have gone through upgrade while others have gone through downgrade

Harry: For instance, remember Flash Thompson?

Peter: You mean the guy who dunked my head in a urinal in the fifth grade? Rings a bell

Harry: Well he went through a major growth spur and is the top jock of the town...Also theirs something else you need to know about Flash

Harry and Gwen stop in front of Peter to tell him the news that they both didn't want to tell him.

Peter: Come on, What's up?

Gwen nudges Harry to tell Peter what's going on.

Harry: Flash is dating Josie

Peter couldn't believe what he was hearing. Before Peter left, him and Josie were a couple. They both talked while he was in New York, but Josie wanted to focus more on her music career and felt she didn't have time for a relationship, especially a long distance one at that. Peter is steel reeling with the fact that his ex-girlfriend is dating the guy who tormented him all through elementary school.

Gwen: You gonna be okay Peter?

Peter: Yeah, of course. I mean It no one's fault what happened between us. She deserves happiness.

Gwen: Even with a complete douche like Flash?

Peter: Well, maybe he changed right?

Gwen and Harry give a knowing look to each other

Peter: Yeah, I didn't think so.

Gwen: Well you two will have to continue you on without me. I gotta join Betty to show the new girl around.

Harry: Okay, talk to you later?

Gwen: We'll see

Gwen walks away, leaving Harry and Peter in the distance. Peter noticed the look Gwen and Harry were giving each other and was not as shocked about this. Their was always an attraction between the two and it was only a matter of time before they finally did something about it.

Peter: So...How long has this thing been going on?

Harry: What thing?

Peter: Harry...

Harry: About a year, we started last summer. Kind of on off again kind of thing.

Peter: So is the light switch on or off between you?

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