loving a fallen angle

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(New fav song ^^)

"No way XD I'm not cutting connections with all the other gods because of YOU?" George shouted once again, he was fighting with his so called saviour.

"You don't understand george you're my bestfriends" the gaint spoke with a hint of anger in his voice.

"So? Doesn't mean I can't talk to others!?" He stomped his foot down george was fed up.

All dreamXD had done was control and manipulate him, but this was going to far. To be honest he knew he had a crush on George but he had eyes on someone else.


He was George's crush. He was a gaint like the rest, he had a long cloak shades of all purple and gold. He had chocolate brown hair that was perfectly curly and soft.

It hung over his mask that said NW on it with 1 of his golden eyes peaking out. He had a necklace with different clocks and had some other time jewelry around.

His hands were soft and warm and comforting.

Though dreamXD had different plans. He had obviously got the hang of it and started arguing with George.

It went on and on until


DreamXD hit George. It had left a mark.it hurt him even XD himself could feel it.

George teared up holding his cheek and backing away and by the door, he realised what he had done. "G-georgie im so sorry-" before he could finish George ran and ran.

He was actually going to NW's house. He was his comfory after all. He sprinted to a nether portal and went in in until he reached a purple lake. He went under it to see karlNW.

Knocked on the very much invisible door. Suddenly the door flung open to see a tall man like he was described.

The mask
The eyes
The cloak
The hair
Everything was perfect

George gasped for a breath in-between crying. NWs eyes widend and he pulled geirge in gently but quickly. He slammed the door and sat down with George on his lap.

"Shhh its okay love" he put his claws through George's hair as George cried in his shoulder.

After a while George stopped crying and lifted his head up to face Karl in the eyes. The massive scratch mark print glowed on his face.

"Who did this love?" He stroked his face making sure he didn't make it hurt more. Inside he was infuriated. He felt like a boiling kettle about to explode.

He kept it in for George though He loved him so dearly. "D-DreamXD" he splattered out.

Kark was raging uncontrollably.

"It's okay love"

"Hey karl"

"Yes love?"

George sighed hoping he wouldn't get slapped for this aswel, Karl obviously scenesed it.

"You can ask me anything" he said putting his large hand in George's hair again.

"Can I see you without the mask..please..?" He asked nervously until he heard soft laughing.

"Of course you can take off the mask of for me love" George smiled.

His small hands compared to Karl's reaches up to his mask and gently pulled it off.

He was stunning..
His 1 gold eye and one purple. He had light freckles. When he smiled his sharp fangs could be seen. His lips looked soft and his curly hair almost covered his eyes.

"W-wow" George said in astonishment he couldn't describe the beauty infront of him.

"You like it love.?" He chuckled.

George nodded having a shade of red cover his face.

"You look just as pretty my dear." He said gently pulling George's face towards him until they kissed.

George loved every moment of it it was like heaven. They pulled back George blushing and Karl smiling and letting geirge rest his head in his chest.

Before Karl knew it little snores came from George he looked down at his human and smiled.

Now he had to deal with XD

He pulled his mask kn his face again making sure George was okay before leaving for XD.

He entered George's House, were dream had his head swung down low.

Anger infuriated Karl again, making him storm over to him and grabbing his throat.

"HOW dare YOU touch George like that." He was so mad XD couldn't even stop it.

It was hard to kill a god but kark was definitely there.

XD was choaking begging for karl to let him go.

"You're lucky I'm letting you go but if you land one more finger on him I lay a finger on you're neck..you hear me!?"

XD nodded just wanting to be set free. He got dropped to the floor. "Get out." It was like kark sprayed venom St him, XD got out.

Happily now, Karl went back to his precious george and cuddled him. Again. Kissing his forehead goodnight and going to sleep.

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