Bunny Love

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Another Person's POV

Kimmon dressed up as a cute bunny and was hopping around to irritate another animal which is Jackson as the penguin which nobody understands why the hell he chose that and Namjoon as Koala.

He looks cuddly and cute in that costume.

Wayo was wearing a rat dress and was feeding rats of their shop.

Kimmon was waiting for Min-ho to come out wearing his costume. Today they decide to do a costume party for a sudden reason which he doesn't know.

"I am thinking what kind of costume will Boss going to wear...." Namjoon said aloud.

"Maybe. Something related to bunny..."

Bass said with a smirk. Kimmon looked at him and replies.

"No wonder Copter is dressed up as kitty Bass. He might like to eat a rat as his dinner..."

Everyone laughed. Bass gets embarrassed and glares at Kimmon who's smirking at him.

"But even I am also wondering what will Min wear as today's costume party. Let's everyone guess..."

Kimmon said and everyone started thinking.


Bass guessed. Jackson smacked his head this time instead of Min-Ho.

"Don't use your empty brain...!"

Bass pout and looked at Namjoon.

"Umm..... I think maybe... Lion.."

"It can be right Joonie..." Jackson pecked on Namjoon lips.

"What about you P'Kim?"

Jackson asked Kimmon who's munching carrot while thinking of something.

"Did you call me...?"

"Yeah, there's no one here with the name Kimmon and who is dating Boss..."

Bass said. Kimmon nodded his head.

"I don't know which animal costume will Min choose because he doesn't have that much affection for animals though.."

Everyone agreed with him.


Min-Ho looked at the costume in front of him. He shouldn't prepare this for Kimmon. What will he think after seeing Kimmon in the costume of a white lion?

He should gave up the idea but it's too late. He can do this.

He tried to assure himself but failed miserably. He sighed and put on the costume.

Min-Ho looked at himself in the mirror last time before opening the door. He decided to change into the shop.

The carrot from Kimmon's hand fell on the floor. Everyone was staring at him.

"Boss is this you...?"

Bass asked in a doubtful tone. Min-Ho rolled his eyes at Bass's obvious question.

He ignored him and looked at Kimmon who's astounded like each person there.

"Wow..... You look hot....!!!"

Kimmon said. His eyes were wide and full of lust seeing Min-Ho in the costume. He wants to be eaten by this white lion.

"Didn't expect that but thanks, baby.... I have something to show you."

Kimmon nodded his head but his eyes went to the lower region of Min-Ho. He would like to see it now.

"Do you have some weird animal foreplay kink...?"

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