Chapter 13

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In the days that followed, Harry was trying to think of anything he could to help Hermione. Then he remembered what he saw in Tom Riddle's Diary- Hagrid. Even if Harry didn't believe that Hagrid had opened the chamber last time, the vision was proof that he was a student when it happened, and therefore might know something that could help Hermione. He decided he would pay Hagrid a visit.

"Seems pretty sound to me." Ron said when Harry told him and Neville the plan.

"Are you sure about this? What if we get attacked?" Neville asked.

"We'll be under the invisibility cloak. How could the monster kill us if it can't see us?" Harry reasoned.

"That's fair." Neville replied with a hint of nervousness.

"Then we go tonight." Harry instructed.
That night all three boys tucked together under the invisibility cloak and made their way down to Hagrid's hut.

When they arrived they knocked on the door. The door swung open and the boys came face to face with Hagrid's crossbow. "Who's there?" Hagrid called, sounding very intimidating.

The boys removed the cloak. "It's only us," Ron said. "What's that for?" Harry asked gesturing to the crossbow. "Nothing, I was afraid you were someone else... come in, I've just put on a pot o tea." Hagrid replied.

Hagrid clearly seemed tense as the boys entered the hut. "Hagrid, are you alright?" Neville asked as Hagrid shakily poured them tea.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," Hagrid brushed them off.

After a few tense moments of silence, Harry decided to address the matter directly. "Hagrid, we have to ask... Do you know who opened the Chamber of Secrets?" Harry asked.

Hagrid paused. "What you have to understand is-" Hagrid began to say before a knock on the door interrupted him. Fang barked in response to the door. "Quickly, get back under the cloak and don't say a word." Hagrid instructed, and the boys followed them.

Hagrid went back to the door. "Professor Dumbledore, sir," he said in shock, but still respectfully.

"Good evening, Hagrid. May we come in?" They heard Dumbledore say. "Oh yes, of course," Hagrid replied.

Dumbledore entered, followed by Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic. He was a shortish, plump sort of man who seemed like he always had a jolly laugh just below the surface. As per usual, he was sporting his iconic green bowler hat.

Harry struggled to keep his jaw from hitting the floor at the sight of the minister.

"This is bad business Hagrid, bad business, but with all the attacks on muggleborns the ministry has to act." Fudge proclaimed.

"I never- Professor, you know I never-" Hagrid stammered.

"I want it noted that Hagrid has my full confidence, Cornelius." Dumbledore stated calmly.

"Look, Albus, Hagrid's record is against him, and I've got to take him." Fudge said plainly.

"Take me? Take me where? Not to Azkaban!" Hagrid exclaimed.

"I'm afraid we have no choice, Hagrid-" Fudge said, but was cut off as the door opened again.

"Already here, Fudge? Good!" The sly voice of Lucius Malfoy came through the doorway.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Hagrid said as Malfoy entered. "Get out of my house!" He bellowed.

"You call this a home?" Malfoy said in disgust with a roll of his eyes. "I take no pleasure in being here. No, I simply called up the school and was told the headmaster was here."

The Chamber of Secrets:Raised by Moony and Padfoot Where stories live. Discover now