News Worth Waiting For

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This was not going to end well. Thor was tied up, Heimdall was down, and Thanos had the Power Stone and was about to get the Space Stone, too. Loki's spouse gripped her a little bit tighter. "I'll tell you one more time," (Y/N) growled, their (e/c) eyes starting to shift to purple. "We don't have the Tesseract. It blew up on Asgard during Ragnarok, so if you want it, you're going to have to start shifting through the ashes." Thanos chuckled darkly.

"I have to applaud you. You're a very good liar. But, not good enough to deceive me, my child." Loki heard (Y/N)'s breath catch in their throat. "Now, you're going to give it up, or I'll have to take it from you." Loki's arms slid around (Y/N). Her heart was pounding. She should've left the Tesseract where it was, but then she might've died with Asgard, and living was her duty. For her family.

Out of the corner of her eye, Loki saw Heimdall shifting.

You're not dead? she asked him telepathically.

Not yet. Her eyes widened.

No. You can't. We need you, Heimdall.

Yes, Loki. To save you now. Don't worry. I'll be fine.


The god extended his sword, and all Loki saw was multicolored light before she landed in Dr. Strange's odd house. Her hand flew to her stomach, her heart racing. Her magic told her that there were still two tiny hearts beating inside her. She sighed with relief. "Loki!" (Y/N) was immediately beside her, helping Loki to her feet. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt at all?" Loki shook her head and gave (Y/N) a kiss on their cheek. 

"I'm fine, darling."

"What the hell just happened?"

"Tony!" Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Wong, and Bruce Banner all ran into the room.

"(Y/N)? Loki? What's going on?"

"It's Thanos. He's coming. Dr. Banner warned you, right?" Dr. Banner nodded. 

"We need a plan," he said. "He could be here at any moment." (Y/N) shook their head.

"Knowing him, he'll send my siblings down here to take care of things while he goes after stones he believes will be more challenging to obtain." As the heroes began to make a plan, Loki stumbled over to a table and pulled out a chair. She sat down and set her head in her hands.

"Loki? Are you sure you're not hurt?" (Y/N)'s face came into view, their expression etched with worry. Loki gave them a faint smile.

"It's just been a big day." She paused for a moment. "There is something you should know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was just worried you'd leave or fall out of love with me because I've heard stories, and you know my family life wasn't really--" (Y/N) sat down and took Loki's hand.

"You don't need to worry about a thing. Whatever it is, there's no way I can love you any less than I do right now, I promise." Loki took a deep breath.

"I'm--" And then, there was an explosion outside, and the building shook a bit. Loki gasped. "They're here." (Y/N) nodded. 

"Let's go."

*Hours Later*

Loki struggled to take deep breaths as (Y/N) rubbed her back and murmured sweet nothings into her ear.

"You idiot," she yelled at Quill. "You let him get away."

"I'm sorry, I lost control for a second."

"With five of the six stones, he's unstoppable. You just sealed our fates. And you--" Loki turned and glared at Stephen Strange. "What the Hel possessed you to give him the very thing that would guarantee his victory?! Do you know what you just did?!"

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