Waiting on a Miracle

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A/N: This is set in an AU where Tony lived and no one forgot who Peter Parker was because Tony gave him and his friends letters of recommendations to MIT. Enjoy!


"Mr. Stark!" You and Peter ran to Tony and gave him a big hug. He wrapped an arm around each of you and kissed the top of your head.

"There are my two favorite kids. How was school?" Peter grinned.

"Great! I have some really cool news," he said, bouncing lightly on his toes.

"I do, too!" you chirped. Tony grinned at both of you.

"Shoot." You turned to Peter.

"You first." He took a deep breath.

"I got into M.I.T," he said. "So did MJ and Ned!" Tony gasped.

"Kid, that's amazing! We've gotta tell everyone! Oh, I'm so proud of you! Call your aunt, she's coming up here for dinner, like everyone else. Well, maybe not Barton. But he'll be so proud of you! What do you want to eat? Oh, this is great! C'mon, let's go find Pepper. She's going to be so excited!"

"Um, Mr. Stark--" Tony began to drag Peter upstairs.

"Dad, I--" you tried to tell him your news, but he didn't hear. Peter turned around and mouthed, 'I'm sorry' before Tony pulled him away. You sighed and went to your room, texting Loki to let him know you had news. You shut the door, then turned on your reading lamp. You began to draw light from it and, holding your hands up to your letter, made a quick frame for it out of the light. That was your superpower. It was surprisingly useful. You set the frame up on your desk and pulled up Spotify on your phone. You pulled up the Encanto soundtrack and clicked on the second song.

You took a deep breath as the first chord sounded. "Don't be upset, or mad at all," you sang softly. "Don't feel regret, or sad at all. Hey, I'm still a part of the family, Madrigal, and I'm fine. I am totally fine. I will stand on the side as you shine."

You'd gotten your acceptance letter from Harvard yesterday. You weren't an inventor like Peter or your dad. But, you were an Avenger, the same as them, and you knew what this line of work did to you. You'd applied to Harvard's psychology degree, hoping to eventually get your doctorate from them so you could be a clinical psychologist, also known as a therapist. Your friend group opened their letters at the same time and had all cried when you'd gotten in. You'd been so excited to tell your dad the news. But he didn't seem to care when he heard that Peter, your best friend, who he'd only known for a few months, got into his alma mater.

"I'm not fine, I'm not fine!" Tears began to slide down your cheeks. "I can't move the mountains. I can't make the flowers bloom. I can't take another night up in my room, waiting on a miracle. I can't heal what's broken. Can't control the morning rain or a hurricane. Can't keep down the unspoken, invisible pain, always waiting on a miracle, a miracle." You knew your powers weren't as impressive as Peter's. He was Spiderman. But you'd trained for longer and worked just as hard as he had with what you were given. You were an Avenger, too. But sometimes, it seemed like Peter was the son your father never had, and you were just the kid who'd been shoved into his arms nine months after an unlucky one-night stand. It hurt more than you could ever put into words.

"Always walking alone. Always wanting for more. Like I'm still at that door longing to shine like all of you shine." You had never met your mother, but you'd lived with your father your entire life and you knew he loved you, and the amazing family you'd gotten with him loved you, too. But sometimes, you wondered what it would've been like if your parents had stayed together, if you'd inherited better powers, if you were super strong and fast like Steve and Bucky or you could control thunder and lightning like Thor.

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