Chapter 2: Side Effects

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The next day they all got up early, except Chase who was still sleeping. The pups were outside playing tag, so when Chase finally woke up and saw the pups, he decided to join in with them. Then he saw a baby squirrel and he chased ferociously it until it escaped. The pups were shocked.

Rocky: "Are you ok Chase?" he was very shocked at what Chase had just done.

Chase: "Yeah, I am fine,"

Marshall: "Are you sure?"

Ryder: "Hey pups what is up? As he was coming out of the Lookout.

Rubble: "Chase saw a baby squirrel and almost ate it!"

Ryder: "Are you ok Chase?"

Chase: "I said I am fine!" sounding irritated.

Ryder: "Ok, if you're sure," and then he left to check the telescope. Skye walked over to Chase to check on him too.

Skye: "Are you ok Chase? I mean you're not yourself."

Chase: "I-I-I do not know; I mean I almost ate a baby squirrel in front of all of you!" sounding worried.

Later that night

Ryder called the pups to the lookout.

Ryder: "Paw Patrol to the Lookout!"

And all the pups came racing in. They all lined up in the lift, but Marshall tripped over a book and knocked all the pups over. Like a bowling ball knocks over pins. They all started laughing Skye also noticed that Chase's fur was thicker.

Marshall: "Sorry everyone," laughing feeling a bit embarrassed.

Then they got into their uniform then they all lined up.

Chase: "Ready for action, Ryder sir,"

Ryder: "Thanks for racing over pups, Cap'n Turbot is stuck in a cave, and it is blocked by boulders!"

Ryder: "Rubble I need you to........." Ryder was interrupted by Chase who was howling all of a sudden.

Skye: "Chase are you ok"!

Chase: "I don't know what's wrong with me"

Ryder: "Skye stay here with Chase so you can tell me what's wrong with him"

Skye: "on it come chase let's go to your pup house".

Chase: "ok"

Ryder: "so Rubble as I was saying I need your rig to get Cap'n Turbot out".

Rubble: "Rubble on the double"

Ryder: "All right Paw Patrol is on a roll"

2mins later

Marshall: "Ok, what was that with Chase?!"

Zuma: "What do you mean?"

Marshall: "I mean Chase howling like that. He only howls when he is sad or happy."

Later that night

the pups were getting ready for bed then Chase started getting a headache and a temperature, so Skye went to check on him.  

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