Chapter 14

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Reno, Nevada is just the same as Melody remembers it being. The sun still greets the city, but it's subdued by the remnants of the departing winter.

Alice and Jasper book a hotel near her old apartment. She has half a mind to leave and seek refuge in the place she called home for so long, but decides to stay put.

It's been almost a day since she left Forks and her mom has been calling her nonstop. Melody texted her when she woke up and told her she had made it safe to Reno. She tries calling Megan again, but her friend doesn't answer.

Melody ignores the calls from her mom, Bella, Jacob, and Seth. She doesn't want to talk to them for she's sure she'll break.

Melody is pacing back and forth when Alice gasps. The redhead is next to Alice in an instant.

"What is it? What do you see?" Jasper watches his partner with worried eyes.

"The tracker," Alice whispers, a hint of fear coats her words. "He just changed his course."

Melody's stomach turns; he's figured it out.

Jasper is next to Alice with a piece of paper and a pen in a second. "Where will it take him Alice?" Melody watches as Alice starts drawing.

"Mirrors," the vampire answers, her hand flying on the paper as she draws what she sees. "A room full of mirrors."

Melody's eyebrows furrow, she watches as the drawing comes to life; she knows the place Alice is drawing.

"The course James is on is going to lead him to a dance studio?" Melody asks.

Alice stops drawing and stares at Melody. "You've been here?"

"About two summers ago my friend Megan and I got a summer job working in a dance studio. The studio we worked at has an arch just like that one," Melody explains. She can still remember how hard the job was.

"Is it here in Reno?" Jasper asks.

"Yes," Melody's phone starts ringing, she sighs in relief when she sees Edward's name appear on the screen. Melody immediately picks up. "Edward."

"We've lost the tracker," Edward says. "The woman is still in Forks, but Rosalie and Esme are staying behind to keep your mom safe. I'm coming to get you. You and I are going to go somewhere alone, somewhere I can keep you safe, while the others keep hunting. I promise, I will not let anything happen to you."

"Just...just come to me, please," Melody begs, she feels like her whole life is falling apart and she just needs Edward next to her. She needs him to hold her and make her feel safe once again. She tells him a quick goodbye and takes a seat on the bed, putting her head between her legs as she thinks about everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hours.

"We'll go grab you something to eat," Alice whispers to the girl and drags Jasper out of the room, almost like she knows Melody needs to be alone.

Melody is rummaging through her bag for another pair of clothes when her phone rings. Megan's name appears on the screen and she immediately relaxes, her friend is safe.

"Hey, Meg, thanks for getting back to me I know you must be con-"

"Mel, Mel! Please, Mel!" Panic seizes Melody's body as she hears her friends frantic calls through the phone.

"Meg, look," her voice shakes a she tries to calm her friend down.

"Mel, Mel!" Megan continues to call out for Melody.

"I'll explain everything later, just.." Melody stops talking as she hears rustling come from the other side of the phone. "Megan?"

"Forks High School doesn't protect its students privacy very well," bile rises to Melody's throat as she hears James on the other line. "It was just so easy for Victoria to sneak in and find your records. She told me a certain Amelia Taylor was listed as your second emergency contact. Amelia Taylor, the mother of your best friend Megan Taylor, who just so happens to live here in Reno. I decided to pay her a visit just in case she knew where you might be. She's a very nice girl, very beautiful too," he chuckles.

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