4:43 pm

381 15 3

It was silence in the Jeep Ryan wasn't sure how to talk to Spencer without be awkward or making him uncomfortable. Within 5 minutes everyone got back to the car

Ryan added Regie & Justin to chat

Ryan: are we dropping off the kid?

Justin heard his phone first while Regie started the Jeep

Justin: yeahh he needed ride his friends left him here so Oliver offered to give him lift

Ryan felt more bad for Spencer from what Justin told him

"So Spencer you from here?" asked Regie

"Yeah..." said Spencer answering quietly

"That's cool I'm from—" Regie sentence got cut off

"I'm not good at small talk..sorry" said Spencer

Justin glance at Regie of how Spencer responded

"Yeah sorry my bad" said Regie

Ryan was about to text the chat but he noticed a small detail on Spencer's neck

In Oliver's Car

"I can't believe Darren's sleeping this long?" said Oliver checking Darren in the rear mirror

"You want me wake him?" said Seb wanted to pick on Darren

"No it's fine let him sleep it off" said Oliver

"Did you ever find anything weird with the teen?" asked Kane

"Meaning what?" said seb answering while he is on his phone

"Under his eyes they are like purple and pink" said Kane describing it

"the only thing I noticed was he looked like he been crying for hours? Or something" said Oliver

"Mmh maybe I'm seeing things?" said Kane

"I wonder how he's holding up" said Oliver driving

12 minutes leaving the city

In Bae's Jeep

"um Spencer uhh where your uhh"

"Excuse his English he's hasn't passed his meathead test yet" said Justin teasing Regie

"Bro! shut up!" said Regie wanting to smack Justin head

"I'll tell you when to stop" said Spencer looking straight ahead

Ryan glance at Spencer for second til his phone ding

Justin: your quiet?
Ryan began typing back
Ryan: talk to him earlier but he look uncomfortable asking question
Justin: I hope to god you didn't tell him he's a child and where's his parent?
Ryan: no?! The heck! I asked where we're dropping him off
Justin: well??
Ryan: he LITERALLY said home dumbass
Justin: chill... just asking one thing
Ryan: 😑
Justin: and you better not be stare at him like you've been doing to Oliver all day
Ryan: shut up bro

The sunset was half way good down

"Dude? Where way out of the city?" Said Justin glancing back

"Yeah it seems pretty far" said Regie adding to Justin's comment

"Can you turn down this road?" said Spencer

Regie stopped and saw a dirt road leading off from the Main road
While driving in Ryan was wondering how can teen travel all the way back to the school and get home

15 minutes in the drive it was getting dark
Little 5 feet there was this open path that looked like a mazes but with tall trees squish together

"This is the creepiest thing I ever seen" said Justin

Ryan looked at his phone and notice there was no signal

"Stop" said Spencer spoke softy

"Wait why?" asked Regie stopped the Jeep

"You don't live there? Actually" asked Justin

"No but I would love to get off here" said Spencer

"Bro you sure?" said Justin not getting out

"Yes I would like to get out" said Spencer putting his backpack on

"I don't think anything there?"asked Ryan not wanting to leave

Ryan looked at the Spencer and noticed he was crying with his puff eyes

"You okay?" asked Ryan

Regie & Justin Looked at Spencer

Spencer spoke quietly but they couldn't make out what he said

"Bro? you good?" asked Justin feeling bad for the Spencer

"I just—wanna go home" said Spencer tears running down his cheek

"It's okay dude" said Ryan rubbing Spencer back

"I would like to get out" asked Spencer Turning red

"Justin let him out" said Ryan

Justin got out and Spencer walked towards the path. Ryan was concerned about Spencer so he got out and wanted to make sure he's okay

"Ryan? Where you going?" Asked Justin

"To see if he's okay" said Ryan going after Spencer


Ryan ran after Spencer to catch up

Ryan ran out breathe checking his surrounding

The path ended up with abandoned home that was sketchy but Ryan was searching for Spencer but no sign of him

Ryan began walking up to the home

"Hello?" Spencer??" said Ryan stepping into the house

The wood floor was creaking of every step Ryan took making him more scared
It was pitch dark inside

Ryan turned around and saw a person


"Justin?? Holy shit DUDE!" yelled Ryan

"Dude chill out" said Justin calming down Ryan

"Yeah yeah let me chill out when you almost gave him heart attack!" said Ryan

"Shhh did you find Spencer?" asked Regie

"No I just found this house" said Ryan

"Have you tried calling him?" asked Justin
Heading out of the house

"Why do you think I'm out here?" said Ryan giving Justin the stare

"Wait.... Does. Oliver know we stopped?" said Justin

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