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Justin & Ryan froze

Justin turned around and saw Sebastian
Ryan quickly hid the note in his pocket

"You scared us—dude you came out of nowhere" said Justin

"Sorry my bad didn't think anyone was still here" asked Sebastian didn't move his place

"Ohh!! there's my phone cord!" said Ryan sounding relief
Ryan stood up noticing a small object in Seb's hand

Suddenly a car horn honk hearing the others yelling about something

"We should get going?" Said Seb letting them go first

Ryan & Justin made their way out to the cars

"About damn time!" cried Darren yelling while the car window rolled down

"Shut up Darren!" said Ryan feeling annoying by him

"Who's riding with who?" asked Oliver putting chapstick on

"um Ryan you ride with Regie, Justin & I go with Oliver" said seb getting in the car

Ryan tried get Justin's attention but he was already in


Ryan jumped and saw Regie smiling

"Your asshole bruh" said Ryan telling Regie buckling his seatbelt

10 mins into the drive

While the music was playing in the car
Ryan sent 10 messages to Justin, but he hasn't respond yet nor read it

Ryan sign and glared at window
Regie noticed Ryan

"Your quiet?" Asked Regie  looking over at Ryan's direction

Before Ryan spoke

Regie's phone ring, he picked it up
Responding with one single word

"Who was it?" asked Ryan being curious

"Oliver who else? said Regie making sharp turn

Ryan held on dashboard

"Dude! chill out? your gonna ruin bae's jeep!?" cried Ryan regrets riding with Regie

"Your such baby? i know to drive" said Regie teasing Ryan

"I'm never driving with you alone" said Ryan making sure his seatbelt is locked

Meanwhile in other car

"Change the song Kane?" yelled Darren to Kane
"No! Just give it a listen" said Kane scrolling through his music list

Justin sat in the middle between Darren & Sebastian.
The phone vibrate under Justin's thigh knowing it was Ryan but he didn't want to look at with Seb next to him.

Darren and Kane kept arguing while Oliver was on the phone

when he heard him saying "Regie let's go this sandwich place up here in few blocks"

Justin noticed Seb was on his phone looking at his photos smiling

Justin rolled his eyes
"Gonna be long drive" said Justin still hearing Darren's yapping

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