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Upstairs in the living room

Kane, Regie & Justin were playing super smash bros to past time.

Since time was getting by

"I'm Impressed Kane? you've gotten better bro" said Justin
"Not as much as me" said Regie adding on to his comment

"Shut up bro—you suck in some ways" said Justin
Regie didn't reply back
"That's what I thought" said Justin chuckling

During the game Justin wanted to ask Regie about his plans earlier

"Hey..Regie?" Said Justin in serious tone
"What? Bruh" responses Regie
"Did you by any chance did you tell Oliver about your little invite?" Asked Justin
Regie paused the game

"No? Why do you ask?" Regie looked Justin
"Like deadass? you never told anyone?" Justin asking Regie again

"Are you death of hearing bruh?" Regie snapped still pausing the game

Kane remained quiet Moving the controller around in the air

"Bro—i mean you told me yourself earlier? I was just wondering? If you told anyone else?" Said Justin unpausing the game

Regie paused the game again

"Guys! can you stop pausing the game?" Said Kane telling the others quietly
"No? I only told you Justin" said Regie
Justin glared at Regie
"Dude—bae just told me and Ryan about Oliver knowing about your plans since last night? Bae doesn't get what else he said after?"

"You sure? Bro- no joke?" Asked Regie
Justin slowly nodded and gave Regie a dead straight face of no lie

Regie threw the controller towards the couch and left the room w/ his phone

Kane & Justin heard a door shut and sat in silence

[Regie's POV]

Regie pulled out his phone and texted his friend to call him
Few seconds after the text been sent
The phone rings
"Hey! Man what's up?" Said the voice
"This might sound weird but.. did you ever talk to my other friends about my plans with you" said Regie

"What do you mean? Bro" said the voice sounding confused
"I mean...I'm sure if your pulling a joke to make me look bad?" Said Regie pacing back and forth in the room
"I get it—I cancelled the last min—"
The voice cuts him off
"For God shakes Regie spit it out! I don't read minds on my end?" said the voice
Regie frozen for sec and answered it's question
"Fine! Did you talked to Oliver? Tell me that?"
He said to voice on the phone

Regie waited for their response
But the voice answered back quickly
"No? I don't recall a guy name Oliver? What kinda of question is that Regie?" Said the voice

"Just straight up and tell me? Don't gotta lie!" Said Regie sat down on the edge of the bed
"REGIE!! I don't know who's this Oliver is??" Yelled the voice
The call was quiet
"Regie I'm not sure if this is a prank? or tiktok? But asking a guy name Oliver? Nor if I did? I would've told you! From the beginning! at this point dude don't contact me til you stop messing around?"

The phone called end

Regie was disappointed himself for being jerk towards his friend
"What did I just do?" He said grabbing the nearest pillow next to him to scream into it.

Outside of the Regie's door
Justin's ear was against the door
Kane spoke softly
"Do you hear anything?"said Kane waiting patiently
"Shhh! Hold on" Justin couldn't make out any yet
Just then Darren came out of another room next door to Regie's

Darren shut the door loud enough for hallway to echo
Justin and Kane gave Darren a death stare

"What?!" Asked Darren
"Do anyone teach you how to be quiet? If not? I'll punch your arm right now!" Said Justin
Darren back up a bit
"I'm not following along?" Said Darren confused as he should be

Suddenly Regie open the door

Everyone froze

"I think? I heard my name being called?" Said Kane walking away
"Why? Are you guys standing by my door?" Said Regie asking the other two to answer

"Actually Darren was hearing your conversation while I stand and watch" said Justin walking away as well

"You want a girlfriend but yet you can't give people privacy?" said Regie leaving Darren alone in the hallway heading upstairs

"Nahh bro! It was all Justin & Kane!" Cried Darren
But Regie left before Darren could back himself up

"I hate everyone..." said Darren heading up the stairs.

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