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Todoroki POV

I was lying down stomach first on my bed flipping over the pages of the book my mom made before she got married to the bastard of my father she use to travel all around the world she went to so many places not many people ever even got to see she made a book about it she had drawn pictures of what she saw it's like you could see what she saw she made notes about how the places smelled looked what she saw heard all of it

I flipped through the pages, page after page it never gets old seeing all these pretty places the water falls the huge flowers my mother use to tell me about these huge flowers she saw. They were red and green they were taller then her she said even though they were pretty they were dangerous since they eat living things her and her friend would travel together everywhere everytime she talked about him it always made me realize that she loved him

Sadly on one of there adventures he was killed by one of my father guards they were looking for my mother since she had powerful ice magic once he got her they got married and tried for a kid like me half fire half ice my father wanted me because having 2 different magical powers is rare and powerful and since our kingdom is all about power it's even our name the chikara kingdom my father is cruel and evil for power he slaughtered many tribes villages and other kingdoms to be number 1 feared and respected

My mother took her life when I was 7 thankful I at least have memories of her telling me many stories and I'd like to think she's happy now maybe even back with the love of her life up there I close the book and hid it away. my father always said that her traveling was useless but it wasn't

From all her traveling she learned many things new medicine, magic, herbs a lot of things she wrote them in her book that book means everything to me she knew she didn't have enough time to tell me everything she knew she was at her breaking point from all the abuse my father caused us so she wrote it down for me to read my siblings didn't have much interest in her work either

I don't judge them honestly at least they are trying to rebuild a life for them selves like fuyumi opened a medical Center in our village that I help in sometimes to get out of the castle and natsu is training to be a knight my father neglected them a lot when we were kids so they are making there own lives But I'm stuck he has me stuck in this horrible boring castle

all he talks about is me being the next heir which bores me outta my mind I walk into where the knights are training and see my friends friends my father despises obviously but I don't care

"Hi midorya Hi ilda" I yelled waving my hand "oh hello todoroki-kun"midorya yelled waving back with a sword in one hand he was sweating from training. ilda waves but doesn't say anything I think he's still catching his breath "what brings you out here" he says smiling "I wanted to see how you guys were doing with training I know you guys have been working hard to be one of the kingdom's knights" being a kingdom knight is something big your very respected and admired in the village for it and the pay is very well

"ya I'm sure me and ilda will get in you'll see we've been training nonstop!" he says excitedly I sometimes envy midorya he's always very happy and doesn't give up no matter what they both knew how hard being a knight would be but still persevere in it "yes I will move ranks and hope to become your top guard for when you become heir prince todoroki"ilda said bowing down

I never liked being called Prince or people being so formal with me but no matter how many times I tell ilda it never sticks so I allow it although being my top guard is something new I almost forgot about the audition my father put for my top guard he thinks I need one or something they continue to spare as I sit and watch seeing them training and people walking by in the village make me ache for my own freedom as well

 𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍𝚜 (𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘𝚍𝚘)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon