Part 14

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When you got to the station at Odaiba Beach, the two of you walked along the street towards the shopping district. He suggested going to the arcade before hitting the beach, you agreed happily. Maybe that would give you something to talk about other than volleyball.

Kuroo exchanged some money for coins and then asked what you'd like to play first. You weren't sure what you'd be any good at having never been to an arcade before but thought it best to pick something simple, so you suggested air hockey.

Kuroo grinned a wicked grin and led you over to the table. "I hope you're prepared to go down because I won't go easy on you." He sneered as he put a coin in the machine releasing the puck.

The lights started flashing and a voice over recording started playing along with the music. You ignored this and concentrated on the game in front of you. Kuroo started, sending the puck flying across the table towards you. Surprised at its speed, but ready for it, you managed to deflect it and send it back to Kuroo. He, however, was so shocked that he didn't score straight away, he wasn't ready for the puck to sail back towards him and left his goal wide open allowing you to score the first point.

You laughed at the look of bewilderment on his face which was quickly replaced with his cocky grin as he picked up the next puck ready to send it back at you.

"Ok so you got lucky that time. You've got fast reflexes, I'll give you that, but don't think beating me will be that easy."

He sent the puck flying across the table and you blocked it again and again. You were actually pretty good at this. By the time you'd run out of pucks the score was 6-4 to you and you left the table with a smug look on your face.

"I hope you know I let you win that game." Said Kuroo as you walked towards another game. You snickered at his attempt to explain you beating him.

"Sure you did, there's no way a weak little girl like me could kick your ass at a game like that, right?" You sneered back, trying to imitate his cocky grin.

You went round a few games, he won at the basketball hoop and did far better than you on the dance mats, mostly because you were so self-conscious dancing in front of all the onlookers that you kept messing up even the easy steps. But you totally dominated at Packman and a shooting game called The Evil Dead: Resurrected. Thanks to your gaming practice all week. You killed about twice the zombies Kuroo did, getting extra points for 4 head shots.

"Not bad, I think you could give Kenma a run for his money. You know it's him that holds the high score for The Evil Dead at this arcade? Not to mention a few others. We used to come here every summer together in middle school."

You smiled at that, looking up at the high score. You were only about 200 points off beating it. You'd have to come back with Kenma and challenge him to a game.

You left the arcade and stopped off at a coffee shop for some lunch before heading out onto the beach to find a spot to put your towels down.

You were having such a good time so far that when you left to go get changed into your new swimming costume, you were smiling. You weren't even worrying about the fact that you were soon going to be scantily clad in front of loads of people. It just didn't seem to matter that much anymore. You were sure Kuroo would have an opinion on how you looked but that was expected, and you had an arm punch stored up ready as a response.

When you returned from the changing facilities however that smile quickly faded from your face. Kuroo had taken off his shirt while you were away, and he was stood talking to two long haired girls in tiny bikini's. They were giggling at something he had said and were unabashedly flirting with him. He of course had his signature grin fixed in place and was flexing one of his arms for them.

First Year at Nekoma High - Kuroo and Kenma x FemReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant