Part 6

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On Monday you made sure to remember to bring Kenma your notes and the charm you'd bought him. You sat down at your desk and waited for him to turn up. He was running late again from morning practice and hurried into the room looking fed up and flustered just before the bell rang.

After the first lesson, you turned in your chair to give him the notes from the lesson you'd both missed.

"Oh, and um, I got you this from that shop I told you about." You said, going slightly pink as you handed him the good luck charm.

He took it from you and looked at you for a moment, his expression was unreadable. You weren't sure if he liked it or not.

"Thanks," he said finally, "although I'm not on the starting line up this year so I probably won't get to play in many matches." He tucked the charm inside his gym bag.

"Oh, that's a shame." You said awkwardly.

"It's ok, at least I can stop going to early morning practices now. Except right before the tournaments anyway."

You smiled; he must be glad of that at least. Hopefully he won't be late to class so much now.

The rest of that week passed by quite uneventful, Kuroo continued to pick Kenma up after lessons to go to practice, but you headed out early with the girls to go to the train station so you could avoid him. You were still annoyed that he'd made you worry all day Saturday.

When the weather was ok, you ate your lunch on the roof again with Kenma. You didn't talk too much; he'd play his game as usual, and you managed to finish your book. There was a sequel out soon and you couldn't wait to find out what happens to the prince, but you'd have to wait for the next book to be on sale.

Yui and Hana didn't bother you every day to have lunch with them, they let you spend most days with Kenma. On Friday however they joined you both on the roof because the sun was getting warmer. You sat with them on the other side of the planter away from Kenma leaving him to his games.

Hana got excited when she saw the fresh shoots in the planter and decided to take it upon herself to help them grow. She pulled out all the weeds and gave them room to sprout properly. She said they were tulips that you had spotted before, and that there were also some roses in one of the other planters. They should look lovely come summertime.

Before you left for the day on Friday afternoon you asked Kenma what time he wanted you to come over on Saturday and made sure he sent you his address. He didn't live too far away; it was only one short train trip from your house.

You left the classroom not noticing Kuroo who was just walking up to the door, "See you tomorrow Kenma." You called behind you and hurried to catch up with the girls as the tall boy reached your classroom to collect his friend for practice. He watched you run to catch up to them as he waited for Kenma to pack his bag.


On Saturday you wore a simple vest top under your favourite hoodie and your comfiest jeans and trainers. After all you were only going to hang out play games. You got to Kenma's house at one in the afternoon and rang the bell. This was the part you were dreading, if his parents answered the door instead of him, you'd have to introduce yourself and you really didn't want to make a bad first impression with them.

To your immense relief however, it was Kenma who answered the door. Apparently his parents were both on a business trip this weekend and wouldn't be back till tomorrow.

You took off your shoes and followed him to his room, it was exactly what you had expected. There were comic books and manga piled up in a corner, some had fallen over. His desk was scattered with gaming magazines and unfinished homework. His bed was unmade and there were cushions on the floor at the end of the bed in front of his TV and games console where he clearly spent most of his time.

First Year at Nekoma High - Kuroo and Kenma x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now