Part 9

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Your mum had been beyond excited when you got back inside, commenting on how much of a gentleman Kuroo was and asking what had been said outside to make him kiss your hand. You avoided telling her about his beach date proposal and said the hand thing was just him saying goodbye. You told her to calm down and that he was just a friend, but she wasn't buying it, probably because your face was still flushed from the whole situation. Eventually you managed to escape her questioning and go back to your room where you relayed the events of the evening to the girls who were eagerly awaiting all the gossip.


22.40: He kissed your hand!? OMG that's so romantic!

Hana chan

22.40: I didn't expect him to be such a gentleman.


22.41: That's what my mum said. Urgh it was so cringe at dinner, he was buttering her up beyond belief. I think she fancies him more than me now!


22.42: So you do fancy him then? This is so exciting!


22.43: I don't know, I mean my stomach is still squirming, but I just can't relax properly around him. Is that normal?

Hana chan

22.44: I wouldn't know, I've never been attracted to anyone from the male species.


22.44: Of course it's normal. Getting butterflies is a clear sign you have a crush on him. And don't worry about being yourself around him, that comes later. You'll be able to relax around him eventually.


22.45: Yeah, I guess. But what do I do about this beach date?! I don't own a swimsuit other than our school one. And I know I'll be super self-conscious in a bikini.


22.45: I smell a shopping trip coming on!

Hana chan

22.45: Oh dear


22.46: Please don't go overboard Yui, I can't afford anything expensive.


22.47: Don't worry, I've got you covered, I have a shopping plan for every budget! I know just the place! Let's go tomorrow!

You groaned, another Saturday shopping trip with Yui. You had hoped to go to Kenma's tomorrow as usual, but honestly after tonight you weren't sure you could handle being in such close proximity to Kuroo's house. What if he decided to drop in for a game night again? You needed time to mentally recover before seeing him again.


22.50: Ok, but can we make it a short trip this time? We still have finals to study for. Meet you at the train station at 1pm?


22.51: Study shmudy, we've got these exams in the bag already! And 1pm it is. See you there! XxX

Hana chan

22.52: Looking forward to it. X


22.52: Ok night. X


22.53: Night! XxxX

Hana chan

22.53: Sleep well. X

Now to tell Kenma you wouldn't be coming over tomorrow. You opened up your chat with your best friend and thought for a moment how to word this. You didn't want to tell him the reason for the shopping trip. Somehow admitting you'd accepted a date with Kuroo, that required a swimming costume of all things, seemed even more difficult than actually accepting the date itself.

First Year at Nekoma High - Kuroo and Kenma x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now