Chapter 2

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I woke up to the beeping of my alarm and a pain in my stomach.
I got up and winced with every move I make. I walked into the bathroom and lift my shirt. I had black blue and purple blotches all over my stomach.
"I swear I'm fifty shades of black and blue right now" I said and stepped into the shower.
" does everyone understand?" Miss Talib said. She was my biology teacher.
I don't know what she's talking about because I wasn't paying attention in class to top it off, the cute guy from yesterday is my partner for the rest of the term.
"Nice drawing" he said and I slammed my sketch book closed.
"Sorry I just thought it was pretty, but why a crying eye?" He asked.
"Why do you ask so much questions?" I asked and turned to look at him.
"You can't answer a question with a question" he said with any amused look on his face.
"I think I just did" I said with a straight face.
"Cameron by the way" he said and extended his hand. I looked at it and looked away.
"Your suppose to shake it" he said as if that wasn't the most obvious thing in the world.
"I don't feel like I should" I said and kept my eyes on the board.
"Your different, you know that" he said.
"Why because I'm not drooling over you like the other girls" I said and looked at him.
"No but thanks for the compliment I guess,you just have this thing about you", he said" not trying to creep you out or anything and no it's not a pick up line" he said and turned his attention to the board. I stared at the side of his face for a while then turning back to the board then the bell rang thank God.
"Hey wait up you left this behind" Cameron said and jogged beside me and handed me my sketch book.
"Thanks" I said and went to take it but he held it over his head, the guy is like a foot and a half taller than me so not fair.
I stretched trying to reach my book.
"What's that?" Cameron asked that's when I realized my stomach was showing. I dropped my arms immediately.
"None of your damn business just give me my book." I said
"Sorry here" he said and gave me my book I stormed off without even looking in his direction again.

"well look who's home" said Charla.
I just walked away and went into my room not wanting to go through yesterday again.
I went into the bathroom and discarded my clothes and my bandages I cleaned my wounds and took a shower. I got dressed in a sweatpants and a big t-shirt since it was a bit chilly.
"Dinner is ready!" Yelled Charla. I walked downstairs and sat at the table.
"You know your not allowed to sit at the table now take your chair and go in the corner."
I didn't even try to fight or argue I was way too tired.
I did as I was told and sat in the corner, she walked over and chucked the plate in my hand. It was burnt and runny and looked disgusting.
"I'm full" I said.
"Eat it or I'll punch you like your father" she said.
"Please" I said in a weak pleading voice.
"Are you deaf" she said and sat down and started to eat her freshly cooked lasagna.
I forced down the horrible food and had to run upstairs to vomit. I vomit every bit off food. I think I was going to pass out from all the vomiting . I went back downstairs to clean the plates and I was greeted by my father pushing me into the island, I swear I heard my spine crack. I yelled in pain and bit down and tried to hold in the tears they only beat me up more if I cry.
"Your not going to cry?" He asked while pulling of his belt.
"Dad please" I begged I moved out of his way not wanting to thus to happen again. He grabbed my hair and threw me on the floor.
"Bitch! Don't run away from me!" He yelled and started to slap me out of the belt. It went all over my body in my face on my back. The buckle even made a gash across arm.
He walked out shortly after. I cried and cried.
"Don't forget to wash the plates" said Charla I didn't even realize that she was still in here.
I got up and washed them all, picking at the little scraps that were left on the plates since I'm not aloud to go in the fridge at night unless I was sent there.
I walked upstairs into my room and plopped myself unto my bed I cried for most of the night. I wish my mom was still here.
"sweety where are you?" My mom asked this was or second game of hide-and-seek of coarse I was winning.
"Gotcha !"she yelled and grabbed me spinning ne around,

"Mom,why did you have to leave me" I said as I banged on her coffin.
"Mom please come back!" I yelled.
"Get up your embarrassing me" my father whispered in my ear while pulling me up.
"I want my mom!" I yelled.
"Get in the car, you'll see your new mom there" he said and walked away. I stood there crying and crying I felt like I was going crazy.
"Wake up stupid your kicking and screaming woke me up" Charla said and pushed me off my bed then walked out I didn't even bother to climb back up. I stayed right there to wallow in my sorrows.
"Why did you leave me mom, why didn't you take me with you?" I asked while crying.
"No one loves me it cares about me I'm morning without you mom."
"Mom!" I yelled while crying my eyes out I don't know what happened but something hard slapped my head against the floor knocking me out.

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